Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of Angela Y Davis s The Black Panther Party
After the mass mobilization of the sixties that radically transformed society, a huge pushback as a response to political liberation was the privatization of prisons which allowed corporations to set motives that increase the prison population, and normalize imprisonment as a way to solve social problems. For Instance, the Black Panther Party was a radical organization that challenged the status quo and a major response to pushback the work they were doing was to criminalize their behavior, in order to maintain the status quo and maintain whiteness. THESIS: Angela Y Davis is an anti abolitionist scholar who has radicalized academic work through her ability to frame counterculture as a way to challenge and transform the political,†¦show more content†¦It becomes hard to theorize a reality without prisons when society has reproduced dominant narratives around the functions of imprisonment, however it starts with critical resistance from the root of the problem, which links to the legacies of colonialism. The central theme of the book replicates itself in the title of the book, which is posed as a rhetorical question in order to challenge the dominant forms of social control which have been in place since colonialism. The question seeks to debunk the dominant forms of society that have relied on prisons, while allowing the reader to challenge the notion of imprisonment and rethink the functions it serves. It questions whether prisons are a product of producing a safe society, or whether it s utilized as a form of racial control, as well as profiting off communities of color. It also goes into a deeper analysis of whether prisons are solving the issue or making the issue bigger by perpetuating the problem it claims to solve. For example, instead of promoting preventative measures to rehabilitate the social ills of society, government intervention perpetuates the problem by imposing models of treatment, that are used as a mechanisms of controlling revenue through the recycling of colore d bodies. The title also questions the functions of prisons because incarceration rates in the United States have sparked since the 70’s, yet societyShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesimportant critical thinking skill is your skill at making judgmentsââ€â‚¬not snap judgments that occur in the blink of an eye, but those that require careful reasoning. You are not reasoning logically if, when you want a gorilla suit for a Halloween party, the first thing you do is search for the word Gorilla in the Yellow Pages of the telephone book, and the problem here is not that you used a telephone book instead of the Internet. High-quality reasoning is called logical reasoning or criticalRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesMeyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman:
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Violence and Christianity - 553 Words
Violence and Christianity ‘If a Christian loved his neighbour he would not fight.’ There are many arguments agreeing and disagreeing with this statement. The bible teaches Christians that they should not fight. An example of this is â€Å"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.†This is telling Christians that they should love everyone and not fight them. Another biblical teaching is â€Å"If someone strikes you on†¦show more content†¦This is an example that some Christians follow. They choose to follow Jesus and the example that he gave. There are other Christians that believe that under certain circumstances war is eligible. One of these circumstances is if the war is a Holy War. When people fight a Holy War they believe that they have God on their side. An example of a Holy War is the Crusade. This was between the Christians and the Muslims fighting for the Holy Land-Palestine. This is different from Pacifism as this type of Christian believes that a certain type of war is acceptable- although it is the last resort. Another type of war that some Christians find acceptable is a Just war. There are seven criteria that a war must pass to be known as a just war. These seven criteria are: -The war must be declared by the head of state. -A just cause is required. Those attacked must deserve to be attacked. -The reason for the war must be to advance good and not evil. -The war must be the last resort. -There must be a good chance ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Violence in Christianity3696 Words  | 15 PagesViolence in Christianity Violence, it has been a main tool in the Christian arsenal since the middle ages. From the Crusades to the Inquisitions of Spain, violence is ever prevalent. Even in this day and age, intolerance and violence continue to be preached. But is this violence an instrument of God or man? Is violence an inherent part of this religion? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A History of the World in Glasses Free Essays
Tom Standard, various drinks are related to different time periods. Coca-Cola, a drink mentioned in the book, was related too later time period during the sass around the time of the Call war. The Civil War was a significant event as it led to a free economy in the united States as well as the development of a single market. We will write a custom essay sample on A History of the World in Glasses or any similar topic only for you Order Now The establishment of a single market and furthering of a free market economy in the United States allowed for the growth and success of the Coca-Cola Company. In 1767, Joseph Priestly produced artificially carbonated drinks. About a hundred years later John Pentameter was experimenting with carbonated water adding flavor to it, thus creating what we now call Coca-Cola. This invention would not have gone much further if it were not for some significant developments in the Unites States and around the globe. In 1865, the Call War ended leading to the creation of one of the largest market economies in the world. This benefited entrepreneurs and business owners as there was a huge market which loud help their businesses succeed. Additionally, the United States was set-up as a free-market economy which furthered innovation and the pursuit of profitability and success. The first development led to the creation of an economic system while the latter led to the expansion of the economic system. The Coca-Cola Company took full advantage of the above developments and became an iconic brand recognized around the world. Coca-Cola was aided by the rise of Industrialization In the production of its products. They also created a unique and distinctive shape for the bottle in 1916 to create a desire for the product and better marketability. The company started using Santa Claus in their advertisement for similar reasons. While the product was marketed to adults Initially, the company started selling to children In 1986. All of these activities were geared towards taking advantage of the market Coca-Cola served. The united States economic system assisted Coca-Cola in pursuing growth and profitability. Coco-cola’s success did not go unnoticed. Pepsi entered the arrest during the middle of the twentieth century selling products similar to Coca- Cola, flavored carbonated drinks. In the latter part of the twentieth century, seeking more profits and growth, the Coca-Cola Company entered foreign markets like Russia, China and India. While the US and India are capitalist societies, Russia and China are socialist. This led to interaction between different economic systems and trade and commerce between very distinctive cultures. All of these resulted In the Coca-Cola Company becoming one of the most recognized brands In the world. This would not have been possible without the United States being a capitalist society which encouraged and furthered the success of companies like Coca-Cola. The creation of a single market economy and the establishment of a free-market economy in the united States led to the success of the Coca-Cola Company and its name becoming an iconic brand in the world. Coca-Cola was able to pursue success, growth and 1 OFF success not only in the United States but across the world. This was possible because of the success the company first had in the United States. How to cite A History of the World in Glasses, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Growing In Suburbs Of Australia Management-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Growing In Suburbs Of Australia Management? Answer: Introducation Growing in the suburbs of Australia, I have developed interests in specific aspects on issues that I had interaction with in the days surrounding. With my dad as a sportsman and my mother a tennis fan, I grew up loving tennis, a game that I played all through my early stages of school till now. However, going to the gym with my dad also made me love exercise as a normal daily activity in the gym. As I grow in my career of business management, I have loved how the business environment is struggling to cope up with technology to remain relevant in the different spheres in the competitive business market. As a result, I have come to love technology, an aspect that helps me keep up with all technological gadgets such as iPhones, laptops, and smart phones. In a self-reflection and a discussion with my family and friends, I came to realize that they both have a common point of argument. My dad saw me growing up with enthusiasm and helping me grow into the person I am today gives him confidence that I can be a great business entrepreneur, an idea that is supported by my mum and elder brother as well. On the other hand, friends find me always to have information on any technological advancement that has a direct and indirect effect on the business world. For instance, Mathews, one of my closest friends surprised me by telling me that any time he needs information concerning a new make of a laptop or a trending smartphone, he will ask me directly and believe whatever answer I would give him since he would confirm from other sources and find the same information. From their suggestions, they say that I can be a good entrepreneur if I combine my professional knowledge with the technological ideas and updates I do have. Through them, I came to prove that I am optimistic, focused on learning new ideas, and trying to evaluate how the ideas can be adopted in the business environment. However, I also found that I am prone to procrastinating ideological implementation, an aspect that I need to improve on as other competitors may use the same entrepreneurial ideas and take advantage of the market. Hence, I need to be quick in the implementation of ideas such as adopting technological systems such as cloud computing, cyber security, digital marketing, etc. in business. For a long time, I often asked myself what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. In a systematic review, Hou and Lee (2016) denote that there is an often rare definition of the recommended characteristics an entrepreneur needs to possess. However, most of the recommended traits are often observed from other successful leaders and entrepreneurs like Bill Gates. As an entrepreneur, I have a passion that is driven by making money but finding solutions to different entrepreneurial challenges. I am fueled by an unshakable sense of purpose. I am also resilience towards achieving my set goals, an aspect that has seen me through one failure to another without losing my entrepreneurial enthusiasm. In their study, Shen and Chan (2017) denote that as an entrepreneur, there are cases when one will often fail but will not stay there; instead, he will focus on the goal despite the challenges encountered. I should be able to understand that an idea maybe brilliant but less effective, an aspect that will require a high level of flexibility in making the necessary adjustments that can make the idea feasible. I do have a very strong sense of self, an attribute that has enabled me to overcome numerous challenges and problems. Being resilient and passionate has enabled me to go so far due to my strong sense of self. For instance, being self-motivated and self-confident will help me to know a good idea and not think the idea can be good. However, I need to be flexible in adapting challenges and changes in the business environment to remain relevant in the competitive business spheres. Reflection of the Future According to Faught and Long (2017), the arrival of every year often provokes discussion concerning how the next 12 months are likely to unfold. Similarly, the pace of innovation is seen to accelerate at a faster rate than before. Therefore, there is a need for progressive entrepreneurs to look further ahead on how their businesses will adopt the changes in the innovation. Walz (2016) also points out that the period between 2014 and 2025 is poised in redefining virtually all the facets of the business environment as well as how we work or live. The same study denotes that these years will usher in various radical technologies, customer experiences, business models, as well as the new breed of entrepreneurship. In other words, it will lead to a digital native who act and think differently from every entrepreneurial generation before them. With the different aspects of digital innovation, improvement, and performance, Shen and Chan (2017) point out that the construction and manufacturing sectors will be the primary determinants that will primarily drive the global economies. For instance, in adopting new technological advancements in the above industries, new manufacturing hubs are emerging in both developed and developing countries (Hou Lee, 2016). As an entrepreneur, my focus will be adopting the technological innovations in the manufacturing industry to see an improvement in the construction growth. In adopting the technology, it will be much easy to ensure that business innovation in the manufacturing industry expands to offer employment and quality services for both the rural and urban population. My passion for entrepreneurship, management, and business innovation will hence be relevant to the development of the manufacturing industry in the future. In a systematic study, Faught and Long (2017) point out that with technological advancement, business is progressing from services to products and finally to experience. As a result, the next ten years is likely to be harder to make money in any transactional business, an aspect that requires entrepreneurs to find a way of breaking out of it according to Gottel (2016). However, the entrepreneurial mind suggests that future small and large scale businesses will be more of mutual benefit in finding the right way of innovation through every experimental manner possible. As a result, it is essential to learn from other successful entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg among others. They are a group of entrepreneurs who have proven that success is inevitable as long as one has a vision, passionate, flexible, resilience, and have a strong sense of self towards achieving whatever goal they desire to achieve just like them. It is my desire to have Bill Gates as my mentor, an aspect that will require me to foster him through the process since he has seen other successful entrepreneurs through the challenges of the business environment. References Faught, S., Long, J. (2017). Analyzing The Needs Of Rural Small Businesses And Developing Economic Sustainability Programs For Their Management Teams.International Journal Of The Academic Business World,11(1), 23-30. Gottel, V. (2016). Business Models: Origin, Development and Future Research Perspectives.Long Range Planning,49(1), 36-54. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2015.04.001 Hou, W., Lee, E. (2016). Chinese style capitalism: current development and future implications.European Journal Of Finance,22(5/6), 255-258. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2016.1090051 Shen, B., Chan, H. (2017). Forecast Information Sharing for Managing Supply Chains in the Big Data Era: Recent Development and Future Research.Asia-Pacific Journal Of Operational Research,34(1), -1. doi:10.1142/S0217595917400012 Walz, K. A. (2016). Teaching-as-research internships: a model for the development of future chemistry faculty and the improvement of teaching in science, technology, engineering, and math.Community College Journal Of Research Practice,40(2), 133-145.
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