Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Evaluation of Macroeconomic Performance Australia †Free Sample
Question: Talk about the Evaluation of Macroeconomic Performance Australia. Answer: Presentation As per the article posted in The Economic Times Macroeconomics is the part of financial matters that reviews the conduct and execution of an economy overall. It centers around the total changes in the economy, for example, joblessness, development rates, total national output, and expansion. From the given articulation one can without much of a stretch comprehend that macroeconomics goes about as the strategy to break down the entirety of the gross markers just as the microeconomic segments that influence the economy. In the contemporary economy, Macroeconomics models have become a basic apparatus for Government just as enterprises in the plan of financial approaches, methodologies and dynamic. Today, Australia is one of the most extravagant Asia-Pacific countries and has delighted in over two many years of monetary enlargement. Australia is one of the nation which is universally best in class and forward nation with respect to its administrations, advances, and high worth included made merchandise. As per the Australian Economy, the financial development of Australia has become 2.4% till the assessment done on seventh May 2017. All the data are obvious from the photos above. In general, Macroeconomics comprise of rundown of bit of financial information of large scale which are utilized by investigators to decipher and conclude present or future the general soundness of the economy. The financial pointers incorporate Gross Domestic Product(GDP), Inflation rate, Unemployment rate, Exchange rate, Interest rate, Balance of exchanges, Fiscal and Monetary arrangement, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The Key Macroeconomic Indicators Net Domestic Growth Rates (GDP) The proportion of total yield in the national pay accounts in national salary is total national output. The count of GDP in Australia is made by Australian Bureau of Statistics which makes two sorts of amendments one quarterly and other one yearly. There are two kinds of GDP to be specific ostensible GDP and genuine GDP. Ostensible GDP entirety of the amounts of definite merchandise delivered times their present cost though genuine GDP is developed as the whole of the amounts of the last products time steady costs. Source: (Trading Economics, 2017). The above picture shows the advancement of yearly GDP of Australias economy from January 2014 where we can find that the development rate is higher in 2016 however them GDP of Australia has not changed its status from downturn hindered by short downturns more than scarcely any years. The figure shows the arrangement of developments that Australian economy has experienced. The normal development rate from January 2014 to January 2017 is 2.7. As we realize that GDP is a significant number which mirrors the monetary size of the nation. Australia has a decent financial condition till date followed by the great GDP development rate. Swelling Rate The swelling rate is known as the rate at which the cost level increments. Expansion influences economy both positive and negative ways. In the event that expansion increment the expansion opportunity cost which may prompt debilitation in speculation and reserve funds. Beneficial outcome is that it national banks get opportunity to alter financing cost to settle the economy and diminishing joblessness because of ostensible compensation unbending nature. Source: (RBA, 2017). The swelling pace of Australia is diminishing contrasting with recent years till date .According to the ongoing audits from scientists of the UBS financial aspects group Australias expansion to the US, Canada, and Europe it is commonly 1 percent quicker in pretty much every segment on an annualized premise. This announcement demonstrates that Australia has less serious market structures in contrast with other created nations, for example, America, Canada, and Europe over the best piece of not many years. Joblessness Rates Joblessness rate can be characterized as the proportion of the quantity of jobless individuals to the complete number of individuals in labor power. The joblessness rates is legitimately corresponding to the quantity of individuals who are jobless, bigger the jobless people groups number bigger the joblessness rate. Source: (ABS, 2017). The above figure mirrors that the joblessness rate in 2016 has reached to 6 percent though earlier year it was 5.5 percent. The explanation for the expansion in joblessness rate possibly the high number of human asset however less opening for work accessible. Joblessness rate demonstrates whether an economy is working above or underneath its ordinary degree of action. Joblessness has significant social results. Lower joblessness rates is additionally an issue as it shows that the economy not utilizing a portion of its human asset proficiently. Remote Exchange Rates Swapping scale is viewed as the estimation of one countrys cash corresponding to another countrys money. In remote trade rates, the cost of unit of residential money is communicated as far as the outside cash. Outside money rate has base cash, on account of Australia and numerous different nations they use US dollars as their base money. The conversion scale variance have compositional impacts, making a few ventures extend though some to shrivel. The devaluation in Australian dollar energizes the use of residential merchandise as imported products gets costly. A lower trade rates additionally makes Australian fares increasingly serious as sent out merchandise and ventures become less expensive in outside cash terms. From the charts above we can find that the conversion scale of Australia is unique in relation to year to year however in recent years, it has been low. According to the last record made 0.7 was the conversion scale of Australia. Loan fee A loan fee is the expense of getting cash. The variety in financing cost influences numerous enterprises, however the land and banking are the most influenced region among them. At the point when the financing cost rises credit taking turns out to be progressively costly, advance items gets influenced though negative effect in private land costs happens. The low-loan cost is the side effects for falling swelling. The financing costs in Australia is diminishing in best hardly any years which prompts less expensive obtaining, empower spending and venture, because of this, there will be high total interest and monetary development which is acceptable from the monetary possibilities of the nation. In the event that financing cost decays than it will likewise deteriorate the trade rates. Equalization of Trade (BOT) BOT is a factual apparatus that guides in understanding the general quality of a countrys economy contrasting with different nations economy and the progression of exchange between countries. In another word, it can likewise be characterized as the distinction between countrys imports and its fares for the given timeframe. A nation which imports a greater amount of its merchandise and ventures than its fare than it has exchange shortage. On the other hand, if the nation sends out a bigger number of merchandise and ventures than the products and enterprises they imports, it has an exchange overflow. By deducting the acknowledge things, for example, sends out, outside interests in local economy to import things, for example, imports, remote guide, local venture abroad we will know it is possible that it is exchange shortage or exchange surplus for a given nation given timeframe. Source: (Trading Economics, 2017). The diagrams above obviously shows that the exchange overflow of Australia has 0.55 billion from the earlier years as the fare rose not as much as imports in 2017. In February 2017 Australias exchange surplus hopped to the second most elevated level on the record. Buyer Price Index (CPI) Principally, CPI is a factual gauge that investigations the costs of an essential items inside a country. For the most part, it is gotten by computing changes in the cost of chosen items. Consequently, any adjustments in the CPI reflects changes in costs in the economy related with the average cost for basic items. It merits calling attention to that the degree of CPI in Australia has been rising generously in the course of recent years. In the primary quarter of this current year, the CPI expanded to 110.50 file focuses, contrasted with the 110 list focuses recorded in the final quarter of a year ago (Australian Government, 2017). Since 1950 as of recently, the normal degree of CPI is assessed at 43.20 record focuses. During this period, the most elevated CPI level is the 110.50 list focuses experienced in the primary quarter of this current year (Trading Economics, 2017). Contrariwise, the most minimal CPI was accomplished in 1950 at 4.20 file focuses (ABS, 2017). Financial and Monetary Policy Monetary approach in Australia In financial aspects, monetary approach relates to the utilization of government income assortment in structure expenses and government spending as open consumptions to impact the total economy. Overwhelmingly, monetary strategy in Australia is embraced by the Australian government, through the congress. Keynesian financial matters propose that adjustments in the degree of spending and tax assessment brings about changes in the total interest of the economy just as invigorates monetary action in the total economy. Essentially, the turn of events and usage of monetary strategy in the nation is consistent to the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 (RBA, 2017). Remarkably, this demonstration forces a conventional commitment on the state to figure and report its medium-term financial techniques. Note that the Australian government utilizes expansionary financial strategy to animate the economy during times of decreased development. Then again, it utilizes contractionary approaches to slow the degree of monetary development if the economy is encountering abundance development. Critically, incited changes in the arrangement and level of government spending and tax collection in Australia influences different macroeconomic factors, among them the total interest, reserve funds, ventures and the level of pay conveyance. Regularly, when the administration accepts that there isn't sufficient business movement and spending in the economy, it incites a boost spending by expanding the sum it spends. Similarly, if the expense receipts from t
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Do Curfews Keep Teens Away From Crime Assignment - 9
Do Curfews Keep Teens Away From Crime - Assignment Example As per an article that investigates impacts time limit laws have on young people, less is obvious about the constructive effects. The article expresses that inquires about who have attempted to investigate the impacts of curfews on lessening wrongdoing have depended on suppositions and not realities (Kline 2). Numerous urban areas in the United States have set up curfews for youngsters following the 1990s when wrongdoing cases among the adolescents appeared to be on the ascent. This measure along these lines planned for guaranteeing security among them. These curfews are anyway typically material to teenagers who are under an explicitly expressed age. As much as it might diminish wrongdoing among those under the expressed age, it will have no suggestion on kids simply over the legal age subsequently they will proceed with their criminal practices (Kline 1). They will have the option to impact the youngsters who will resist the curfews and enjoy wrongdoing. This article, in this way, demonstrates setting curfews for adolescents isn't an answer for the expanded wrongdoings among young people in the urban areas. A legitimate arrangement, accordingly, ought not immediate to the youngsters alone yet the adolescent as a rule. As indicated by an article in Greater Washington titled as ‘Teens need activities, not curfews’, curfews have worked adequately on different urban communities and have had the option to diminish the quantity of violations among young people (Reed). The article, in any case, brings its cases expressing that many feel curfews are unreasonably prohibitive for the young people and that they don't eradicative the main driver of wrongdoing among the adolescents. The fundamental driver of bad conduct among the young people according to this article is absence of fitting activities. Along these lines, they keep themselves occupied by enjoying criminal activities.â
Sunday, August 9, 2020
MPA-DP Summer Placement in Hanoi, Vietnam COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
MPA-DP Summer Placement in Hanoi, Vietnam COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Nausher Khan MPA-DP 19 shares his Summer Field Placement experience in Hanoi, Vietnam. Over the course of the summer, I along with my MPA-DP colleague, Claire Thibault worked with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Hanoi as part of the inaugural Columbia World Project (CWP). The CWP is titled ACToday: Adapting agriculture to climate today for tomorrow and is a collaboration between the International Research Institute at Columbia University and strategic partners in 6 countries. The project is operational in Vietnam, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Senegal, Colombia and Guatemala and is scheduled to run for 5 years commencing in 2018. The CWP is mandated with working with the relevant national governments and civil society organisations to enhance their capacity in adapting their food systems to the changing climate. These countries have been chosen as they are predominantly agriculture based economies which are severely vulnerable to climate change. Vietnam is the third largest producer of coffee and second largest producer of rice in the world, however due to its placement proximal to the south China sea, it has experienced a proliferation of extreme weather events over the preceding decade. Additionally, due to the global sea level rise, the Mekong delta in the south of Vietnam is subject to saline intrusion, rendering rice paddies situated on the river bed, extremely unproductive. A pattern of increased rains and typhoons in the north of the country, and drier and hotter summers in the South is posing a current and impending threat to the agricultural productivity of the country. Thus, ACToday is partnering with the ministry of natural resources and environment, ministry of agriculture and rural development, and with international organizations such as CIAT in Vietnam to build their adaptive and mitigative capabilities. The project aims to help the local government incorporate accurate Climate change projections and data into the development of their agricultural plans and setting of their food system priorities. Over this summer, the MPA-DP student team working in Vietnam worked to conduct an extensive stakeholder analysis and needs assessment of the climate information services value chain. We were tasked with identifying the organisations and processes responsible for the production of climate information, the translation of that information into agricultural advisories, and the dissemination channels by which this information was reaching the farmers. This initial scoping will lay the foundation for the succeeding initiatives that will be established under the ambit of the ACToday program. Similar work was carried out in the remaining CWP countries and now as the strategic operations have been formalized In the respective countries, the project will enter the second phase and work in a localized manner to achieve the end goal of increased food security through a sustainable food system. In addition to the conduction of the climate information service value chain analysis, I had the opportunity to document the experience in an audio-visual format. The purpose of this documentation would be to develop a short audio-visual case study to be used as a teaching aid for the students of Food systems in the coming years. This documentary followed the novel format of student-led filmmaking, primarily using an Iphone to record field experiences, day-day life and expert interviews. It will go to show the impact of climate change on Vietnamese agriculture, and capture the experience of working within the mandate of the CWP in Vietnam.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Analysis Of Angela Y Davis s The Black Panther Party
After the mass mobilization of the sixties that radically transformed society, a huge pushback as a response to political liberation was the privatization of prisons which allowed corporations to set motives that increase the prison population, and normalize imprisonment as a way to solve social problems. For Instance, the Black Panther Party was a radical organization that challenged the status quo and a major response to pushback the work they were doing was to criminalize their behavior, in order to maintain the status quo and maintain whiteness. THESIS: Angela Y Davis is an anti abolitionist scholar who has radicalized academic work through her ability to frame counterculture as a way to challenge and transform the political,†¦show more content†¦It becomes hard to theorize a reality without prisons when society has reproduced dominant narratives around the functions of imprisonment, however it starts with critical resistance from the root of the problem, which links to the legacies of colonialism. The central theme of the book replicates itself in the title of the book, which is posed as a rhetorical question in order to challenge the dominant forms of social control which have been in place since colonialism. The question seeks to debunk the dominant forms of society that have relied on prisons, while allowing the reader to challenge the notion of imprisonment and rethink the functions it serves. It questions whether prisons are a product of producing a safe society, or whether it s utilized as a form of racial control, as well as profiting off communities of color. It also goes into a deeper analysis of whether prisons are solving the issue or making the issue bigger by perpetuating the problem it claims to solve. For example, instead of promoting preventative measures to rehabilitate the social ills of society, government intervention perpetuates the problem by imposing models of treatment, that are used as a mechanisms of controlling revenue through the recycling of colore d bodies. The title also questions the functions of prisons because incarceration rates in the United States have sparked since the 70’s, yet societyShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesimportant critical thinking skill is your skill at making judgmentsââ€â‚¬not snap judgments that occur in the blink of an eye, but those that require careful reasoning. You are not reasoning logically if, when you want a gorilla suit for a Halloween party, the first thing you do is search for the word Gorilla in the Yellow Pages of the telephone book, and the problem here is not that you used a telephone book instead of the Internet. High-quality reasoning is called logical reasoning or criticalRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesMeyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A Political Autobiography Allida M. Black, ed., Modern American Queer History Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman:
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Violence and Christianity - 553 Words
Violence and Christianity ‘If a Christian loved his neighbour he would not fight.’ There are many arguments agreeing and disagreeing with this statement. The bible teaches Christians that they should not fight. An example of this is â€Å"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.†This is telling Christians that they should love everyone and not fight them. Another biblical teaching is â€Å"If someone strikes you on†¦show more content†¦This is an example that some Christians follow. They choose to follow Jesus and the example that he gave. There are other Christians that believe that under certain circumstances war is eligible. One of these circumstances is if the war is a Holy War. When people fight a Holy War they believe that they have God on their side. An example of a Holy War is the Crusade. This was between the Christians and the Muslims fighting for the Holy Land-Palestine. This is different from Pacifism as this type of Christian believes that a certain type of war is acceptable- although it is the last resort. Another type of war that some Christians find acceptable is a Just war. There are seven criteria that a war must pass to be known as a just war. These seven criteria are: -The war must be declared by the head of state. -A just cause is required. Those attacked must deserve to be attacked. -The reason for the war must be to advance good and not evil. -The war must be the last resort. -There must be a good chance ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Violence in Christianity3696 Words  | 15 PagesViolence in Christianity Violence, it has been a main tool in the Christian arsenal since the middle ages. From the Crusades to the Inquisitions of Spain, violence is ever prevalent. Even in this day and age, intolerance and violence continue to be preached. But is this violence an instrument of God or man? Is violence an inherent part of this religion? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A History of the World in Glasses Free Essays
Tom Standard, various drinks are related to different time periods. Coca-Cola, a drink mentioned in the book, was related too later time period during the sass around the time of the Call war. The Civil War was a significant event as it led to a free economy in the united States as well as the development of a single market. We will write a custom essay sample on A History of the World in Glasses or any similar topic only for you Order Now The establishment of a single market and furthering of a free market economy in the United States allowed for the growth and success of the Coca-Cola Company. In 1767, Joseph Priestly produced artificially carbonated drinks. About a hundred years later John Pentameter was experimenting with carbonated water adding flavor to it, thus creating what we now call Coca-Cola. This invention would not have gone much further if it were not for some significant developments in the Unites States and around the globe. In 1865, the Call War ended leading to the creation of one of the largest market economies in the world. This benefited entrepreneurs and business owners as there was a huge market which loud help their businesses succeed. Additionally, the United States was set-up as a free-market economy which furthered innovation and the pursuit of profitability and success. The first development led to the creation of an economic system while the latter led to the expansion of the economic system. The Coca-Cola Company took full advantage of the above developments and became an iconic brand recognized around the world. Coca-Cola was aided by the rise of Industrialization In the production of its products. They also created a unique and distinctive shape for the bottle in 1916 to create a desire for the product and better marketability. The company started using Santa Claus in their advertisement for similar reasons. While the product was marketed to adults Initially, the company started selling to children In 1986. All of these activities were geared towards taking advantage of the market Coca-Cola served. The united States economic system assisted Coca-Cola in pursuing growth and profitability. Coco-cola’s success did not go unnoticed. Pepsi entered the arrest during the middle of the twentieth century selling products similar to Coca- Cola, flavored carbonated drinks. In the latter part of the twentieth century, seeking more profits and growth, the Coca-Cola Company entered foreign markets like Russia, China and India. While the US and India are capitalist societies, Russia and China are socialist. This led to interaction between different economic systems and trade and commerce between very distinctive cultures. All of these resulted In the Coca-Cola Company becoming one of the most recognized brands In the world. This would not have been possible without the United States being a capitalist society which encouraged and furthered the success of companies like Coca-Cola. The creation of a single market economy and the establishment of a free-market economy in the united States led to the success of the Coca-Cola Company and its name becoming an iconic brand in the world. Coca-Cola was able to pursue success, growth and 1 OFF success not only in the United States but across the world. This was possible because of the success the company first had in the United States. How to cite A History of the World in Glasses, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Growing In Suburbs Of Australia Management-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Growing In Suburbs Of Australia Management? Answer: Introducation Growing in the suburbs of Australia, I have developed interests in specific aspects on issues that I had interaction with in the days surrounding. With my dad as a sportsman and my mother a tennis fan, I grew up loving tennis, a game that I played all through my early stages of school till now. However, going to the gym with my dad also made me love exercise as a normal daily activity in the gym. As I grow in my career of business management, I have loved how the business environment is struggling to cope up with technology to remain relevant in the different spheres in the competitive business market. As a result, I have come to love technology, an aspect that helps me keep up with all technological gadgets such as iPhones, laptops, and smart phones. In a self-reflection and a discussion with my family and friends, I came to realize that they both have a common point of argument. My dad saw me growing up with enthusiasm and helping me grow into the person I am today gives him confidence that I can be a great business entrepreneur, an idea that is supported by my mum and elder brother as well. On the other hand, friends find me always to have information on any technological advancement that has a direct and indirect effect on the business world. For instance, Mathews, one of my closest friends surprised me by telling me that any time he needs information concerning a new make of a laptop or a trending smartphone, he will ask me directly and believe whatever answer I would give him since he would confirm from other sources and find the same information. From their suggestions, they say that I can be a good entrepreneur if I combine my professional knowledge with the technological ideas and updates I do have. Through them, I came to prove that I am optimistic, focused on learning new ideas, and trying to evaluate how the ideas can be adopted in the business environment. However, I also found that I am prone to procrastinating ideological implementation, an aspect that I need to improve on as other competitors may use the same entrepreneurial ideas and take advantage of the market. Hence, I need to be quick in the implementation of ideas such as adopting technological systems such as cloud computing, cyber security, digital marketing, etc. in business. For a long time, I often asked myself what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. In a systematic review, Hou and Lee (2016) denote that there is an often rare definition of the recommended characteristics an entrepreneur needs to possess. However, most of the recommended traits are often observed from other successful leaders and entrepreneurs like Bill Gates. As an entrepreneur, I have a passion that is driven by making money but finding solutions to different entrepreneurial challenges. I am fueled by an unshakable sense of purpose. I am also resilience towards achieving my set goals, an aspect that has seen me through one failure to another without losing my entrepreneurial enthusiasm. In their study, Shen and Chan (2017) denote that as an entrepreneur, there are cases when one will often fail but will not stay there; instead, he will focus on the goal despite the challenges encountered. I should be able to understand that an idea maybe brilliant but less effective, an aspect that will require a high level of flexibility in making the necessary adjustments that can make the idea feasible. I do have a very strong sense of self, an attribute that has enabled me to overcome numerous challenges and problems. Being resilient and passionate has enabled me to go so far due to my strong sense of self. For instance, being self-motivated and self-confident will help me to know a good idea and not think the idea can be good. However, I need to be flexible in adapting challenges and changes in the business environment to remain relevant in the competitive business spheres. Reflection of the Future According to Faught and Long (2017), the arrival of every year often provokes discussion concerning how the next 12 months are likely to unfold. Similarly, the pace of innovation is seen to accelerate at a faster rate than before. Therefore, there is a need for progressive entrepreneurs to look further ahead on how their businesses will adopt the changes in the innovation. Walz (2016) also points out that the period between 2014 and 2025 is poised in redefining virtually all the facets of the business environment as well as how we work or live. The same study denotes that these years will usher in various radical technologies, customer experiences, business models, as well as the new breed of entrepreneurship. In other words, it will lead to a digital native who act and think differently from every entrepreneurial generation before them. With the different aspects of digital innovation, improvement, and performance, Shen and Chan (2017) point out that the construction and manufacturing sectors will be the primary determinants that will primarily drive the global economies. For instance, in adopting new technological advancements in the above industries, new manufacturing hubs are emerging in both developed and developing countries (Hou Lee, 2016). As an entrepreneur, my focus will be adopting the technological innovations in the manufacturing industry to see an improvement in the construction growth. In adopting the technology, it will be much easy to ensure that business innovation in the manufacturing industry expands to offer employment and quality services for both the rural and urban population. My passion for entrepreneurship, management, and business innovation will hence be relevant to the development of the manufacturing industry in the future. In a systematic study, Faught and Long (2017) point out that with technological advancement, business is progressing from services to products and finally to experience. As a result, the next ten years is likely to be harder to make money in any transactional business, an aspect that requires entrepreneurs to find a way of breaking out of it according to Gottel (2016). However, the entrepreneurial mind suggests that future small and large scale businesses will be more of mutual benefit in finding the right way of innovation through every experimental manner possible. As a result, it is essential to learn from other successful entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, and Mark Zuckerberg among others. They are a group of entrepreneurs who have proven that success is inevitable as long as one has a vision, passionate, flexible, resilience, and have a strong sense of self towards achieving whatever goal they desire to achieve just like them. It is my desire to have Bill Gates as my mentor, an aspect that will require me to foster him through the process since he has seen other successful entrepreneurs through the challenges of the business environment. References Faught, S., Long, J. (2017). Analyzing The Needs Of Rural Small Businesses And Developing Economic Sustainability Programs For Their Management Teams.International Journal Of The Academic Business World,11(1), 23-30. Gottel, V. (2016). Business Models: Origin, Development and Future Research Perspectives.Long Range Planning,49(1), 36-54. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2015.04.001 Hou, W., Lee, E. (2016). Chinese style capitalism: current development and future implications.European Journal Of Finance,22(5/6), 255-258. doi:10.1080/1351847X.2016.1090051 Shen, B., Chan, H. (2017). Forecast Information Sharing for Managing Supply Chains in the Big Data Era: Recent Development and Future Research.Asia-Pacific Journal Of Operational Research,34(1), -1. doi:10.1142/S0217595917400012 Walz, K. A. (2016). Teaching-as-research internships: a model for the development of future chemistry faculty and the improvement of teaching in science, technology, engineering, and math.Community College Journal Of Research Practice,40(2), 133-145.
Monday, March 23, 2020
This Paper Will Discuss The Public Perception Of CPAs In Todays Societ
This paper will discuss the public perception of CPAs in today's society, pitfalls that they may encounter, methods to prevent some of these negative behaviors and consequences they may face should they fall short. Most Who Do You Trust? surveys rank politicians, lawyers and used car salesmen at the bottom and certified public accountants at the top. That is because the CPA profession has a squeaky clean image--anal-retentive little wimps who wear thick glasses and cannot get a date. CPAs are known and respected for their honesty. The profession that goes out of its way to project that image, and there is a certain amount of truth to it. Not all accountants are anal-retentive little wimps who cannot get a date. Many of them are quite articulate. Some are quite lovely, in some schools, more than half of the accounting majors are women. Also, not all CPAs are squeaky clean and respected for their honesty. Some are quite dishonest and are putting a black mark on the image of the entire profession. There is one area where the CPA profession has fallen short of protecting the public interest. The general duty that accountants owe to their clients and the other persons who are affected by their actions is to exercise the skill and care of the ordinarily prudent accountant in the same circumstances. Two elements compose the general duty of performance: skill and care. Another element and responsibility is owed to clients and other persons, that is that accountants should observe a standard of ethical or social responsibility. One set of difficulties concerns ethics education's ability to instill the chosen values and to make them stick after the educational process is completed. Instruction in acc ounting ethics is directed at people whose character-or lack there-of-has largely been formed by the time the instruction occurs. Although such instruction should increase the moral awareness of those who are already predisposed to listen, its effect on the basically self-interested, indifferent, or unethical is questionable. Even those who are positively influenced by ethics instruction, moreover, may still behave irresponsibly if their careers or their livelihoods require them to act in their client's financial interest. Recent pressure to include more ethics instruction in the accounting classroom has placed an emphasis on individuals who have a sense of moral responsibility. In accounting ethics education literature the benefits of teaching ethics have been greatly influenced by the following set of goals presented by Loeb (1988): 1. Relate accounting education to moral issues. 2. Recognize issues in accounting that have ethical implications. 3. Develop a sense of moral obligati on or responsibility. 4. Develop the abilities needed to deal with ethical conflicts or dilemmas. 5. Learn to deal with uncertainties of the accounting profession. 6. Set the stage for a change in ethical behavior. 7. Appreciate and understand the history and composition of all aspects of accounting ethics and their relationship to the general field of ethics. An emphasis on codes of conduct may result in students' failure to develop discretion and judgment . . .which are more than simply a matter of what acts are forbidden, which are required, and which are permissible (Whitbeck, 1992, 128). Emphasis on rules may quickly become training in how to get around the rules while remaining technically legal. While students must be acquainted with professional codes of conduct as part of their preparation for a career, most researchers on ethics do not consider such material to be sufficient grounding in ethical training (Fulmer and Cargile 1993:Adams et al.1995). A few years ago the Ameri can Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA), the largest CPA membership organization in the world, decided that starting in the year 2000, new members would have to have 150 semester hour of college credits (5 Years) instead of the present four years to become a member (McGee). On the surface that does not appear to any big deal. No one has to become an AICPA member to practice public accounting or to be a CPA. But, there are several problems with this. The most obvious is that the major group harmed is the students (or parents), who must cough up another $10,000 or $20,000 for a fifth year of education. Then there
Friday, March 6, 2020
Tapping into Local Businesses for Writing Work
Tapping into Local Businesses for Writing Work Heres an optimistic thought: writing is a necessary part of every business. You read that right. Every business – big and small – has the need for written language. More good news: most businesses dont have a full-time or even part-time writer on staff. Hint: heres where you come in. Local businesses need your skills. They just dont know it yet. Its up to you to tell them. Identifying potential clients First you have to find them. Take a walk or a drive and make a note of locally-owned businesses in your town and the writing needs they might have. Browse the Yellow Pages online at yp.com. Identify potential clients Compiling your information Once youve identified potential businesses, its time to give them something – for free. Im not advocating you work for free. Instead, put together a brochure or letter that includes helpful writing-related information: how email newsletters benefit businesses, ways to generate social media content or writing for your target audience. Then remind them of your skills and availability. Use a bulleted list to show the plethora of writing tasks you can take off their shoulders. Be sure to include website, social media and blog entries along with brochures, letters, press releases, newsletters, ad copy, etc. Include contact options – email, website, social media and phone number. Make communicating with you convenient for them. End your piece with a thank you. Its just courteous and polite. Method of contact You can reach out in a number of ways, depending on the business. Start Social media is another way to keep in touch with potential clients. Ditto that for your website. I also suggest utilizing the old-fashioned way: snail mail. This isnt a mass mailing. You want to choose a dozen, perhaps two dozen businesses to target. Snail mail provides prospective clients with something physical to hold – and hopefully keep – until they have the need to contact you. Wait about three months and follow-up with a similar message. Repeat after another three months. Think quarterly contact. You want to establish yourself as a consistent presence, but not a nuisance. Potential clients arent going to need your services immediately, but they will eventually. When they do, whom will they think of? The nice writer whos been sending free and helpful information. Free press Consider doing pro bono work for a charitable organization that can give you free press. I do this for a local foundation that has a quarterly newsletter where my logo is printed in every issue. Ive been utilizing this technique for years and have worked on a variety of jobs for a variety of businesses: Coffee shop – menu writing Insurance company – quarterly newsletter Locally-owned bank – ad copy School district – referendum campaign Gift shop  – catalog descriptions Medical clinic – ghostwriting a monthly medical column Library – website copy Grocery store – social media presence Home builder – sales brochures Not-for-profit organization – annual report Local charity – letter to potential donors Bed and breakfast – radio ads Mayoral candidate – door hangers and press releases Legal firm – blog posts And the list goes on. These were all paying gigs. Ive found once a business is aware of your skills and the convenience you provide theyre likely to hire you again for future jobs. Theres another optimistic thought.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The Exdous from Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Exdous from Egypt - Essay Example Its final edition was written about 700 years after its actual occurrence, which is a major flaw in historiography 2. According to Egyptian history written by Manetho during the Hellenistic era, Jerusalem was built by Hyksos, who were expelled in Egypt and accordingly, Moses was a leader of lepers who rebelled against Egyptian who got help from Hyksos. In another historical account by Hecateus of Abdera, Jerusalem was built by people who were driven out of Egypt, whose leader is Moses. 3.Some biblical accounts can be corroborated by external evidence. The plagues narrated in chapters 7-12 could be paralleled to the epidemic in mid 4th century, commonly referred to as the Asiatic illness. 4.Some archaeologist believed that Exodus did took place but in a much smaller scale. The accounts of 600,000 who marched on to Read Sea is probably hyperbolic. 5.The story of Exodus reflects ancient metaphors, folklores myth and philosophy. The crossing of the sea is a metaphor to the defeat of the Pharaoh and his army and was probably composed in celebration of the Israelites liberation from the Egyptian slavery, rather than the actual drowning of the pharaoh and his armies. In Hebrew poetry, the imagery of sinking into water is used several times as a metaphor for distress, such as when Jonah is seemingly inside the belly of a whale and in the song of David when he called for divine intervention in Psalm 69. Therefore the sinking of the Pharaoh and his army is a metaphor to the defeat of the pharaoh and their army! Moroever, some Biblical scholars believed that the theophanies in Mt.Sinai, are not originally part of Exodus and that God’s? revelation through the phrase â€Å"I am who I am†is believed to have an undercurrent of the Greek philosophy’s? Absolute being. 6.YHWH is a warrior God that side with the weak which continue to inspire liberation movement of current history. 7.The sources of Exodus is a combination of several traditions namely Yahwist (J),Elohist(E),Deutoronomy (D) and Priestly (P). Exodus 4 which Collins believed to be taken largely from Priestly tradition describes vividly Moses stretching of his hand over the sea and causes the division of water. This should not be taken as a historical account but an attempt to provide concrete expression of YHWH powerful hand in rescuing the Israelites. On the other hand, the presentation of YHWH as a warrior God in Exodus 15 is a clear influence of E tradition in Exodus. My Personal Position in Relation to Arguments Presented Firstly,I fully agree with Mr. Collin’s main contention that it is difficult to establish the historical basis of the whole Exodus. The fact that the Book of Exodus was written about 700 years after its actual occurrence already presents a major flaw in historiography. Moreover, the very limited available non biblical evidence of Jewish history prior to the reign of King David which started around 1,000 BCE is a major challenge .Moreover, the B iblical accounts took place 2 to 3 thousand years before the science of archaeology came into our midst (Miller). But I also agree with him, that Exodus is a literature that speaks of bits and pieces of historical accounts. Previous and recent archaeological findings would attest to it. A.Chariots Found in Gulf of Aqaba in 1978 and 1988 In 1978,Ron Wyatt found numerous chariot wheels with some with axles still on, covered by corals in the Gulf of Aqaba. He also
Monday, February 3, 2020
Islamic Culture (week 9) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Islamic Culture (week 9) - Essay Example By following this etiquette of differing the Muslim society can maintain the characteristics of love and brotherhood between Muslims (Al-Hashmi, 2007). It is easy for the people to control themselves during the situation of agreement and behave in proper manner. However, when people enter into any kind of disagreement it gets difficult for them to behave in appropriate manner. In order to justify their argument and point of view people indulge in unethical way of arguing which at times also leads to fighting. It is acceptable to have a different opinions regarding any specific topic or matter. The acceptable disagreements allow the people to get hold of different viewpoints with strong evidence and increase their knowledge. However, there are some etiquette of differing in the Muslim society which should be followed by the Muslims. Some of these etiquettes are as follow (Al-Hashmi, 2007): Muslims should use appropriate and good words while arguing and debating with other people and should avoid the use of harsh words, as mentioned in Holy Quran: ‘And Speak good to the people’. [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:83] The purpose of discussion should be to get clarification and to identify truth. The reason behind the discussion or differing opinion should not be for the purpose of satisfying ego or for feeling proud. Lastly, the parties and people involved in debate or discussion should respect the opinion of other people and if no agreement or mutual result is achieved the debate should be ended on positive notes (Baianonie, 1998). Islam has provided the concept of harmony, peace, love, and brotherhood between the Muslims and whole mankind. The concept of brotherhood and harmony among the Muslims is an important element in Islam and huge emphasis have been placed on it from the very start. It is important and essential to maintain the characteristics of love and brotherhood between Muslims because it
Sunday, January 26, 2020
what an overall research methodology is
what an overall research methodology is This section discussed what an overall research methodology is and why and what research tools and methods has been adopted to gain and analyze results. The chapter begins with the research purpose which is followed through the research philosophy, research approach then research strategy and data collection method. There is a fixed aim and objectives in this research which have to be response hence it is really important to categorize approaches and procedures which is used by a researcher for the research accomplishment. 3.2 Research purpose According to Burns, R. (2000) researches are methodical and organize investigation to solve problem. Saunders, M. et al., (2003) stated that studies can be classified by purpose or an employed strategy and Yin, R. (2003), Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) distinguished research purpose as exploratory (explore a new topic), descriptive (describe a social phenomena) and explanatory (explain why something happen). Saunders, M. et al., (2003) add that it is likely to have more than one purpose and approach for research intentions and that purpose possibly change in the course of an investigation. In the view of Cooper, D. Schindler, P. (2003) researches are dissimilar to theories because research techniques could not be correct or wrong but they may be more or lesser valuable in research procedure. The Literature has been establish in relation to knowledge management such as knowledge hierarchy, what is knowledge, types of knowledge, SECI model, elements of knowledge management and its barriers, thus the study have attempted to explain this social phenomenon primarily in a descriptive manner also this study is partly exploratory and explanatory because it explored new review and defined the problems within the research area, by revealing how knowledge is transfer and managed and why components of knowledge management becomes barriers to particular organization. Furthermore compared to developed countries, the term knowledge management is relatively fresh to the third world countries like Pakistan therefore it is sited as exploratory. Saunders, M. et al., (2003) described the focal point in gathering data, rests in the heart of research onion which is encircled by diverse layers (see below figure 3.1) Figure 3.1 Saunders, M. et al., (2003, 2007) 3.3 Research Philosophy Saunders, M. et al., (2007), explained key research philosophy; first positivist approach n which researchers prefer to use current theories to build up hypothesis. Research is undertaken as value free way that means researcher cannot do alter the substance of data collection. It is also distressed with facts not impressions. Second realism, it is part of epistemology, alike to positivism and believes a scientific approach to the development of knowledge. The core of realism is that what the senses prove us as reality in truth. Saunders, M. et al., (2007) believed that realism is relevant for business and management research. And third interpretive approach, conducts research amongst people rather than objects. As the research topic itself greatly complex in nature and cover social aspects therefore it is not possible to answer research question by only yes or no responses. Therefore this research adopted interpretive approach where researcher interpreted the social roles of individual and concerned with middle and senior managers initiatives of knowledge management which boost performance of individual and group. The underpins of interpretive approach is gathering of data and then understanding of these data which is influenced by societal forces, individuals behavior and attitude. 3.4 Research Approach Different approaches can be use for research for instance; deductive or inductive. Deductive research begins with existing theories, concepts and formulates hypothesis that are later tested and confirmed (Gummesson, E. 2000, Saunders, M. et al., 2003). An inductive research begins with the real world data, it deals with anthology of data and then theory is erected from it (Gummesson, E. 2000, Saunders, M. et al., 2003). According to Blumberg, B. et al., (2005) we can never be confident in an inductive approach because it cannot be considered as faultless. This research adopt a deductive approach as the research will progress from the general theories to a more precise observation of the research topic and question. That means overall end result of this research cannot be generalized because observation is totally stand on specific organization and in specific period of time also deductive approach offering opportunity to confirming validity and reliability of facts. Deductive approach = Theory > Observations/findings Inductive approach = Observations/findings > Theory 3.5 Research Strategies Saunders, M. et al., (2007) described various research strategies which are useful to apply when gathering and analyzing empirical facts such as; experimentation, survey, case study, grounded theory, ethnography and action research. Which research strategy should apply depends on the nature, central point, scope, admittance, restrictions and existing sources for research, however Yin, R. (2003) provides three conditions to be relevant in order to choose which strategy to employ for research purpose: The kinds of research question asked. To what extent researcher has control over actual behavioral affairs or events. The degree of focus on contemporary, as apposed to historical, events. 3.6 Case study The appropriate strategy for this research is case study because the kind of research questions being asked how (they were implemented), why (they were taken) with what (results) forms, although what and how questions tend to be more the distress of the survey strategy. The case study strategy is mainly a lot used in explanatory and exploratory, and this research has already claimed it in the research purpose (see section 3.2) (Saunders, M. et al., 2007). The case study strategy, as acknowledged by Robson, C. (2002) preferable because researcher do not have control over events and it permits researcher to achieve strong viewpoint surrounding the research area and its development, it also occupies an empirical analysis of a particular phenomenon within its actual life context by several sources of evidence. Sauder, M. et al., (2007) suggested that if you are employing case study strategy you are probably need to use and triangulate several sources of data. Triangulation refers to the use of diverse data collection methods within one study such as interviews, observations, documentary analysis, questionnaires etc. in sequence to make certain that the data are telling you what you think they are telling you. In this research the qualitative data collected by using semi-structure interviews which is precious way of triangulating quantitative data collected by other means such as a questionnaire (details of data collection techniques discussed in section 3.8). According to Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) the majority of case studies entail qualitative data and nearly all qualitative research seeks to build illustrations based on it depth, detailed knowledge of cases, the qualitative and quantitative research approach discussed in the section 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 3.7 Time horizons Time scopes to research design are independent of which research strategy and method follow. Saunders, M. et al., (2007) proposed that while planning your research it is vital to know that whether the research is to be a cross-sectional (complete at a specific time) or longitudinal (complete in a prolong time period). Due to the time constrain this study has helped researcher to assemble questionnaire results and conduct interviews at once and these cannot be repeated, so the information collected by this manner will correspond to declaration of research over that time period which means that this research is Cross-sectional or completed on specific time. 3.8 Research method Research method or research design refers to organized, determined and rationally accumulation of data not only for analyzing purpose but for attaining information to resolve research questions. The preference of methods depends upon research problem and purpose and those methods cannot be worded as more suitable or appropriate. There are two fashionable methods: qualitative and quantitative. In the view of Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. (2005) the differentiation between qualitative and quantitative research has nothing to do with quality but it is related to procedure. 3.8.1 Qualitative method Qualitative research is one in which researcher frequently formulates knowledge claims based on constructivist perspective i.e. various meaning of individual experiences and measuring socially. Densombe, M. (2003) emphasized that qualitative research mostly focus on description, it employs words or experience as unit of analysis and when the study connected with small scale studies. Often the analysis phrase does not begin, although not always begins as soon as data collection starts. Strauss, A. Corbin, J. (1990) defined key elements of qualitative research are: Data gather by interviews. logical practices to conceptualize and assess data toward conclude findings Report written by researcher. According to Cooper, D. Schindler, P. (2003) qualitative data perceive as rich, complete, earthly, holistic and genuine, their face validity looks perfect and it also offers far more accurate method to assess. The drawbacks of qualitative data include; they are irrelevant to wider population and not statistically checked. 3.8.2 Quantitative method The nature of the quantitative approach is objective and focus on determining phenomenon (Hussey, J. Hussey, R. 1997). Questionnaires and surveys constitute quantitative research in which all questions are laid down in arrangement of Yes or No or likert scale and then assessed by statistical methods. Naude, P. et al., (1991) stated that quantitative methods are mathematical and statistical form, relates to numerous variable and their relationship. In quantitative research it is possible to analyze data when the data collection has been finished. The key advantage of quantitative approach; it is produces quantifiable and reliable data which is by and large relevant for vast population. It is more applicable for carrying out needs evaluation or for estimations contrasting conclusions with baseline records. The main cons of quantitative method; it is expensive and time consuming procedure but according to Robson, (C. 2002) softwares developed in modern world have made analysis of compl ex calculations easy to perform. 3.8.3 Mix Method In this research, researcher adopted both qualitative and quantitative methods because the research accumulated both types of data, that is minimized the limitations of each other. Data were collected from the questionnaires and interviews. It is crucial to have questionnaire in this research to explore individual working pattern in organization and their approaches to knowledge management. An additional positive characteristic of questionnaire; it is supported researcher in studying how individual employs theory into practice. Denscombe, M. (2003) declared that the combination of methods permit superior understanding of research problem as it helps retrieval of quantitative results from questionnaires which followed qualitative stuff like semi-structured interviews of senior managements which further revealed organizational and individual behavior and social functions. 3.9 Data collection methods In this research, the overall data collection process began from collecting secondary data in the form of literature review to the primary data which was gathered by researcher via survey questionnaires and taken interviews. Secondary data searched in the University of Glamorgan, Learning Resources Centre by typing the keyword; knowledge economy, knowledge management, barriers to knowledge management and components of knowledge management etc. These secondary data mostly reflects from textbooks, journal articles, magazines and websites to facilitate research objectives. As compare to primary data the most important benefit of exploiting secondary data is the gigantic saving in time and money resources (Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. 2005). 3.9.1 Questionnaire Questionnaire is one of the data collection methods where all respondents are required to respond similar questions in a specific order provided to them furthermore Saunders, M. et al., (2007) declared that questionnaire supports to analyze of individual responses more comprehensively. The key purpose of designing questionnaire in this research was to get substance of knowledge management approaches and current circumstances of knowledge management in the organization. The questionnaire was based on particular subject matters such as knowledge management with its basic components (People, Process, Technology and Culture) and barriers to knowledge management. According to Dillman, D.A. (2000) three kinds of data variable collected via questionnaire. Opinion Behavior Attribute First the way the research questionnaire was design in this research, is to get opinion what respondents feel about something or what they think or believe is true or false, second to record respondents behavior and experiences by what they did, do and will do through their attribute. Attribute include data about the respondents characteristics. Saunders, M. et al., (2007), classified two way of administer research questionnaire: (i) Interviewer-administered (the responses are recorded by researcher for e.g. market research). (ii) Self-administered (usually completed by respondents). This research employed self-administered questionnaire because the researcher has less amount of contact with the respondents and questionnaires simply filled by respondents. These questionnaires were administered via electronic web application (www.surveymethods.com). Various advantages have been experienced by using electronic web survey tools such as; ease of automatic data entry, set occasional reminders for respondents, easy to analyze data through pie chart, line or bar chart etc. moreover respondents can complete questionnaires by multiple sitting or save their unfinished response. Yin, R. (2003) suggested that questionnaires diminish bias due to uniform question, even researchers own opinions does not influence respondent to answer questions in a certain manner which turn into actual facts. Although there are number of disadvantages associate to questionnaire as well for e.g. it take immense time to prepare questions, questionnaire possibly opt out or partially submit, it mig ht redirect to subordinates or fellow employees to fill out. Particularly in this research there is no opportunity for researcher to reword the phrases or further explain once the survey launched. The entire respondents were given guaranteed of anonymity (Easterby-Smith, M. et al., 2008). Respondents were given 20 days time to complete questionnaire and on an average it took 10-15 minutes to fill one questionnaire. Each questionnaire contains 25 questions including three different forms of questions; (i) agree disagree statement, (ii) multiple ticks and (iii) open end questions. 3.9.2 Interviews An interview is an intentional dialogue between two or more people. In the view of Saunders et al., (2007) interviews may be highly structured (based on predetermined and identical set of questions which is often called interviewer-administered questionnaire) or unstructured (informal and in depth-interview to explore a general idea) or semi-structured. Another types of interviews described by Healey, M. Rawlinson, M. (1993) standardized interview which is subject to quantitative analysis and non-standardized interviews that is subject to qualitative analysis. Semi-Structure Interviews For this research, semi-structure interviews used as a device for exploring and collecting qualitative data in which interviewer ask questions to interviewee to draw self-reports of their opinions, attitudes, or behaviors in relation to knowledge management. Three interviews were taken from different departments with managerial position. All interviews were recorded with the consent of respondents. Key themes were note down by the researcher as interviews were being conducted and the same questions asked to all interviewees in slightly different packaging, although the overall essence of questions did not change. The researcher conducted all the interviews by himself and further amplification provided during an interview when respondents misunderstand the questions. This clarification was necessary to bring respondents on right track for exploring research topic and research question. The duration of the interview was set up-to maximum 30 minuets. The telephone interviews were employed which is appropriate specifically in this research because of the geological distance and limited time. Also there are no sensitive matters involved which need to discuss via only face-to-face. Various other advantages such as good physical appearance of the interviewer is not require, however Babbie, E. (1995) suggested that interview can be successful if the interviewer is pleasant and kind during an interview. Simultaneously there are several disadvantages associated to telephone interview for example interviewees may lie and hide information. Visual cues and body languages become more difficult to observe. 3.10 Pilot work The reason behind piloting is to spot imperfections in research questions and then rectify it. Before launching questionnaire to real respondent, these questionnaires were initially piloted by sending web link to three classmates. Two problems were identified apart from questionnaire structure and the language used in questionnaire. First respondents got e-mail in their junk or trash folder instead of standard inbox folder which might lead less response rate and second the option to go on next page (next button) does not appear on actual screen which may result in partial response, however at last researcher has been successful to solve these issues by making some setting configurations on web application. 3.11 Sampling In the view of Bell, J. (1987) we do not need to engage each person in relation to study about population. Whereas Gill, J. (1991), described sampling as the population of interest that have been choose for study. Research usually required of those individual who are willing to provide information and these set of individuals known as sample. In this research the research question(s), its objectives, chosen research methodology (quantitative and qualitative) and research strategy (case study) dictate itself to select non-probability samples. Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003) suggested that the majority of qualitative researches likely to employ non probability samples which means that researchers rarely decide the sample size in advance and they have partial awareness about population from which the sample is taken. Saunders et al., (2003) supported that non-probability sample widely used in case study research with small size samples. This sample would provide rich information of case study in which research question is explored. This research has been conducted on Pakistani company; the Company employs almost 150 staffs on several places. It was determined to use Company head office as sample size in this research where nearly 70 employees working on various position including management. Easterby-Smith, M. et al., (2008) stated that the sample selected may possibly bias which might be imitated on end results. To curtail bias and produce true result from this research, altogether fifty questionnaires were launch for employees working on head office irrespective of their age, genders, experiences and departments. Furthermore researcher conducted three interviews with different departmental managers, two of them are male and one is a female. 3.12 Validity Reliability According to McNeill, P. Chapman, S. (2005) validity refers to the dilemma of whether the information gathered is accurate of what is being studied. Denscombe, M. (2003) clarified that validity in a research signify that the mandatory information is studied and not anything more. Validity is when a theory, model and concept explain reality as it shows and it refers to the accuracy in the case study. This research employed both quantitative and qualitative methods which bring a practical, honest and unbiased account of social life from the point of view of someone who lives it each day (Neuman, W. Kreugar, L. (2003). Yin, R. (2003) and Denscombe, M. (2003) point out that reliability in a research reflects on the reality that the study is accomplished consistently and correctly. They suggested that identical conclusions could be attained, if carried out by other observers or under the same conditions. In this research questionnaire and follow up interviews were used to record and analyze data consistently. As the researcher employed telephone interviews which Saunders et al., (2007) believes that take longer time to construct trust between the interviewer and interviewees, visual prompts and non-verbal behavior may also influence the progress of the interview. In the view of Yin, R. (2003) case study strategy enhances the reliability of the research because it enables other researchers to follow the facts or data directly and not be constrained to the printed reports. Furthermore the sample section and methodological in this study may possibly be copied by other investigators to get same results. All the interviewees were consent to record interviews which further interprets our result and conclusion as trustworthy. At last, overall, the following steps were obtained to certify the reliability and validity of this research: The researcher used continuous guidelines from the supervisor for making survey and interview questions in an order to get most acceptable outcomes. All respondents were informed in advance as regards to take part for accomplishing this research. Questionnaires were completed within 20 days and the interviews were taken within 7 days, during these periods of time no key incident happen or changed with the related subject. Data were collected through web based application (www.surveymethods.com). The researcher has no control over the modification of any answers provided by respondents. After finishing interviews, a brief summary of conversations sent to each interviewee by e-mail to make sure that what exactly they want to say and what the researcher understood. Also interviewees were asked if they find any thing which is differing from the point of view of researcher then they can correct it and reply back via e-mail. 3.13 Research ethics Blumberg, et al., (2005) viewed ethics as moral rules and principles, norms, standards or sets of behavior, that lead our relationships with others. Research ethics then narrates to questions about how research topic is plan and elucidate, how data is collected, process and store, how data is analyze and research findings are write up in a moral and responsible way. In this research, number of ethical considerations has been taken into account specially when gathering data through questionnaires and interviews. First the purpose of the study plus respondents participation was clearly explained. Second none of the respondents was intimidated to take part in research process and those who agreed to take part their verbal consent was attained. According to Bell, J. (1987), human rights protections for instance; autonomy from physical and mental hurt, privacy and confidentiality should maintain throughout research. To retain confidentiality no names were connected to data, however the researcher can recognizes which data belongs to whom and the persons name, who interviewed in this research were not displayed.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
World Without Oil
The Economic Effects of a World Without Oil. As oil prices keep increasing, many are looking to a future without oil. It is hoped that if oil prices keep rising, alternatives will be developed and this will enable a smooth transition. Already, car manufacturers have cars which run on hydrogen, natural gas, even solar panel. The longer oil prices rises, the more attractive these options will be. It is not unfeasible that in a decade, we will simply not need or want to consume oil any more. However, this transition to a world without oil may not be as smooth as many hope. The transition to a post oil world could be a lot more painful that we would like to admit. How would an oil free world impact on the world economy? The Doomsday Scenario. The impact of declining oil availability depends on whether the alternatives to oil materialise. For example, it was hoped nuclear fusion would provide low cost energy, but, technological developments have been disappointing. If we don't find realistic alternatives to oil, the consequences for the global economy could be serious. Rising prices and costs, declining growth and living standards as people struggle to meet their energy needs. The world has become so dependent on oil, the question is could we survive without? Wealth of Oil exporters would be reduced. At the moment, oil exporting countries are earning billions of dollars in oil revenues; this gives them economic power and to a large extent political power. If oil is no longer in demand, these countries would face a rapid period of readjustment; they are likely to face a fall in wealth, unless they could create growth in other sectors. The problem is that it is currently so easy for them to make money from oil other sectors of the economy are fundamentally underdeveloped, therefore they would struggle in an economy no longer reliant on oil. Oil Importers Could be Relatively Better off. The change in the use of oil could lead to a readjustment of global finance and power. Currently OPEC countries have disproportionate amount of wealth. Oil importers are struggling with the rising oil prices. This would all change if oil was no longer the key world commodity. But, this relies on good alternatives being found Cost of Transport. The new technologies are unlikely to be as cheap as petrol powered cars were in the past. If this is the case, it means transport will be permanently more expensive. This could help to reduce our reliance on the motor car; it could encourage other forms of transport such as buses, trains and bikes. However, this is very much an unknown. It is difficult to predict the future price and availability of alternatives. At the moment they are more expensive than petrol; but, maybe cheap alternatives could be found in the future. Environment. Consumption of oil has contributed significantly to global warming and pollution. One side benefit of the rising oil prices is the improvement in pollution emissions in the US and Europe as higher oil prices discourage consumption. It is hoped that the alternatives to oil will be more environmentally friendly and help to reduce carbon emissions. However, will it be too late to stop global warming by the time the world makes the transition to a non-oil based energy? Oil Companies. The most profitable companies are often oil companies. like Shell and BP. They may struggle to move into a post oil world. BP has given itself the slogan Beyond Petroleum; but, whether they will be able to be as profitable from other energy sources is doubtful. Related: Should Governments seek alternatives to oil? Perma Link | By: T Pettinger | Monday, June 2, 2008 Subscribe to future posts 0 Comments: Post a Comment Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom] Links to this post: Create a Link
Friday, January 10, 2020
Motivation for “A Rose for Emily†Essay
Motivation for â€Å"A Rose for Emily†It is in the human nature to want to have a sense of belonging and to be a part of something bigger, making it difficult to maintain moral decisions. The main character in William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†faces moral challenges created by the pressure of wanting to conform to the town’s expectations while still trying to maintain a sense of independence, which ultimately leads up to the motivation to murder of Homer Barron. By holding high expectations, directly interfering in Emily’s life and relationship, and the constant widespread gossip from the Townspeople of Jefferson are the main motivation for the murder of Homer Barron. Emily Grierson, being the last Southern lady of the Antebellum South was held at a high expectation by the townspeople of Jefferson (Faulkner 160). As Thomas Dilworth points out, the townspeople had wanted to preserve the values of the old south through the embodiment of Emily (252).Faulkner even says that, â€Å"Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care: a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town (156).†He is implying that the town’s people see that Emily has this hereditary duty to the town. These high expectations were carried over into Miss Emily’s personal sexual needs where she is expected to keep the appearance of a pure southern lady that can be compared to that of Eve from the Garden of Eden (Dilworth 253). Although Emily does rebel against the town for two years by dating a blue-collar construction worker and Yankee Homer Barron in attempt to not conform to the Jefferson townspeople’s expectations of a southern lady (Dilworth 251).The town’s hard to live up to standards are a part of the motivational reasoning that leads up to Emily murdering Homer and keeping his body in a necrophiliac relationship. Being raised by her father, Emily has always known about the expectations that were to be met, because of who her family is; however, this means that Emily’s personal life has always had interference. When her father was still alive Emily was not to be with any man because, â€Å"None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such (Faulkner 158),†and when her father finally passed away the towns people began to take his place in interfering in Emily’s life. After Emily has been dating Homer for a little over a year the town begins to suspect the couple’s relationship to be scandalous, assuming adults in their thirties would engage in sexual acts, and leads the town to take actions into their own hands by sending the ntown’s Baptist priest to talk to Episcopal Emily about her actions. The talk with Emily was unsuccessful, causing the town to then call in Emily’s out of state cousins to watch over her. Emily in turn responds b y going out into town to buy men’s clothing and toiletries, which in turn leads the town and Emily’s cousins that she is married or is going to soon marry Homer (Faulkner 161-162). The direct interference in Emily’s life is the townspeople blatantly displaying that they no longer have a tolerance for her relationship with Homer, and show a blind eye when Emily purchases arsenic when out in town buying the men’s toiletries and clothing. Once the cousins believe that Emily is to marry Homer they leave, but that does not change the fact that the townspeople directly interfered with Emily’s personal affairs and still hold Emily in high standards. This means that even if Emily were to marry Homer the townspeople would still gossip on how Homer is a poor moral example for the Jefferson youth. Gossip was a constant reminder to Emily of the expectations required of her and the interference to remind her of this. Gossip is also consistently expressed throughout Faulkner’s story. A direct reference of gossip comes from Faulkner’s story, â€Å"When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her†(Faulkner 159). â€Å"It got about†is an explicit reference to gossip. Also critic James M. Wallace implies that the gossip throughout the story told by the narrator’s had a wide knowledge of events that went on in the story (106). the narrator relates three separat e discussions between Judge Stevens and one woman and two men regarding the smell coming from Emily’s property. The narrator knows the details of the conversations well enough to quote Judge Stevens’s directly. â€Å"‘Dammit sir,’ Judge Stevens said, ‘will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?’†(Faulkner 158). Also earlier when Emily purchased arsenic, â€Å"So the next day we all said, â€Å"’She will kill herself’; and we said it would be the best thing†(Faulkner 161). â€Å"and we said it would be for the best thing,†shows how the town is judgmental and takes Emily’s â€Å"falling†as poor moral to the town. The gossip always being a constant factor to Emily is the main reason how the town was able to motivate Emily to motivate Homer. She knew that she would not be able to have her personal needs above the town’s expectations to hold her on a pedestal to preserve the south. The expectations, interference and insistent gossip from the town were the main motivation for Emily to kill Homer. Emily was not able to keep up the faà §ade of being the Southern lady that the town of Jefferson wanted while still upholding her own sexual needs of a grown woman. This leads her to the ultimate decision to murder Homer Barron and keep his body for her own necrophiliac relationship to be able to put the town at ease and calm her own conscience. The murder and necrophilia is a direct result of the town’s expectation, interference, and gossip and are the motivating factors needed for Emily to finally snap.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How Does The Author Use Language From Present Scrooge s...
How does the author use language to present Scrooge s unpleasant personality? Charles dickens uses insults to portray Scrooge s unpleasant personality. This can be alluded from Stave 1 in the novel where Scrooge can be seen snubbing the charity workers who came seeking for a donation. If they would rather die, [...] they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population., such insult allows the reader to comprehend that Scrooge is nothing more than a greedy man who solely believes that the peasants are just money scammers and that they should all be locked up in a prison. Today s audience will see Scrooge this way and agree that he is a misery, bitter old man, who doesn t like giving away however back in the 19th century the audience would not be shocked to see a wealthy man as selfish as Scrooge. It was common in London at the time to see factory workers exploiting children who worked in hard conditions by hurting them with the most dangerous work and the cruelest words which is why I can only but say that Scrooge is an unpleasant, old wretch. Further to this Dickens use of metaphors paints a picture of Scrooge as a covetous old sinner!, in Stave 1 the narrator describes Scrooge to be a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone. A grindstone is a thick disc of stone used for grinding and it was extremely hard to hold onto however the narrator uses the adjective tight-fisted to imply Scrooge as adamant and as one who is able to hold onto the grindstone or in
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