Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Kassatly Chtaura - 1648 Words
Kassatly Chtaura ABSTRACT In April 2013, Kassatly Chtaura, a family-owned company of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages headquartered in Chtaura, Lebanon, faces a dilemma. It is doing well with regard to sales and market share and has succeeded in building a solid income. Meanwhile, the prior year’s numbers show dim growth performance, and the family is unsatisfied about sales of its syrups, juices, ready-to-drink beverages and wines have reached a plateau. Should the firm extend its supply network or manufacture a new factory and move some operations to Angola or Saudi Arabia? They are in distant locations with distinct cultures, although these are assuring markets. Or should it stay put and expand its operations by introducing†¦show more content†¦Undoubtedly, one of the advantages that Kassatly Chtaura has, is how they shape their strategy, implement new drinks according to market trends and its innovative position in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. They have been receiving much recognition for the ingredients that are used in its production. The same laws have specified restrictions on alcohol and energy drinks, and thats where Kassatly Chtaura could find the right time to launch its various products in Lebanon and in turn be related to Saudi Arabia, which provides an advantage to position itself in the group GCC in the Middle East. However, the tension is handled in the country of Lebanon and in the closest countrie s. Is a rapid change that may arise from the overnight, so achieving manufacturing in another country where it is not fully understood the culture, the rules and laws governing, is a risk that can be significant in the formation of an expansion in Saudi Arabia or in Africa as an emerging market that is growing nowadays. Kassatly Chtaura is a company that has taken advantage of the situation, resources and the regions where they can make some investment to prop up the finances and not fall into a low development of innovation in the products they handle. Implementation of vodka, energy drinks and even some alignment with the wines have kept the name Kassatly Chtaura outside the Lebanese community, and internationally, they have achieved some recognition.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Gender, Governance and the Global Political economy by Penny Griffin Book Report/Review
Essays on Gender, Governance and the Global Political economy by Penny Griffin Book Report/Review The paper "Gender, Governance and the Global Political economy by Penny Griffin" is a wonderful example of a book review on social science. In this work, the aims at shedding light on governance issues in the global economy. The work is also directed towards scrutinizing the possibility of neo-liberalism in liberating the global economy. Griffin (pp.86) indicates that empowering society emanates from the implementation of global governance mechanisms. The mobilization of the global economy, in this case, is much more concerned with mobilizing women towards contributing to the society’s economy. Women need to be motivated positively to contribute to society, especially in third world countries. In a real sense, it is believed that with women incorporated into the economy, there is a great likelihood that they will actively enhance the economy in a formal way. Formality, in relation to Griffin (pp.86), will reduce the chances that women will feel undermined in terms of their con tribution to the economy. This interprets that women will feel that their energies contribute positively to economic growth. In essence, this work aims at weighing the difference in the amount of effort dedicated by both men and women in an attempt to check if there is much difference between the genders. In the event of the assessing applied by both men and women, the economy will be better as compared to a situation where the men are considered to be the major stakeholders in advancing the economy. If the women are made to feel that their contribution is much appreciated, they are bound to contribute more. In the third world countries, for instance, a great percentage of the women in these countries in the countries are the most affected by poverty. In this case, they will be emancipated by poverty and will be more mobilized into devising more productive means of having income. This is an elucidation of the fact that the percentage of the poor in the society, the women, is geared towards the development of the economy.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Hey You Essay Research Paper Rank Site free essay sample
Hey You Essay, Research Paper Rank Site Name Hits in Hits out 1 4 Free Essaies 4 Free Essays offers free essays and term documents for pupils. 7510 8850 2 EssayMill over 27500 essays, drop notes, research documents, book studies. Custom composing + prep aid. The B 3953 3476 3 Coshe # 8217 ; s Reports on the Net * The most powerful Free essay hunt on the net for over 4 old ages. With 9,000 term documents for existent * 3131 1884 4 Totally Free Papers * Huge hunt engine with over 6000 essays to seek for FREE * 2821 4019 5 The universe of Essays This site has an Essay Search Engine including HEAPS of good catagorized essays! ! ! All of our essays are easy to happen and we # 8217 ; ll have the essay YOU want. The most user friendly Essay Site on the net! ! ! ABSOLUTELY Free! ! 6424 25562 6 Creative Essaies Creative Essays offers a big sum of free essays on its site. Whatever you need for school or un 3064 10091 7 FREE ESSAYS Well over 1000 Free Essaies. All are categorised, searchable, and the best quality! 4451 19 254 8 FREE PAPERS 1000 # 8217 ; s of FREE ESSAYS, studies, and term documents! 2617 1929 9 GoldenEssays # 8211 ; 25,000 Free Essays Live FREE 25,000 Essay Database, bigh quality essays. We will write a custom essay sample on Hey You Essay Research Paper Rank Site or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Custom Essay Writing. Differenet hunt options. 1059 9706 10 Free Reports And Essays Tons of Free Reports And Essays 3853 13815 11 Essaies 4 Free 1964 15424 12 6000+ Free Term Papers We have over 6000 Free Essay documents, with an advanced hunt, to assist you happen the paper your looking for rapidly. Unlike other sites we have no popups, and we Dont force you to subscribe up, subject a paper or chink on streamers before you can see them. We guarantee youll find the paper your looking for rapidly and easily.brNo popups, Java applets, or tonss of advertizements. Just what you need, high quality documents. 1633 2017 13 Essays and Notes @ Source for free term documents, free essays, free studies, notes, and essay-writing techniques! Huge choice of free essays and prep notes on Orwell, Shakespeare, Hamlet, and more! 2283 582 14 EssayGlobe 15000 essays for college and school pupils. Full-text hunt. 2051 7303 15 Evil House of Cheat 1346 8009 16 The Essay Depot 1330 5687 17 Essay Island Wow! We have a LOT of essays. All for FREE, come and See 1338 8393 18 WowEssays 23,000 FREE documents, Sea rch HERE!!! Hugest essay database on the web. All papers are completely FREE!!! Custom Essay Writing $ 8,95 per page! 310 2407 19 COSHE’s Reports on the Net Just 12,000 essays in search engine and cliff notes and other stuff!!! 1536 2556 20 The Writer’s Coach Fast custom writing! Your paper will be the ONE ONLY. Former university professor (Ph.D, London) will turn your TERM PAPER, THESIS and WRITING problems around in 24 hours. Areas covered: Term paper assistance, research guidance, editing, and Letters of Application. 606 920 21 Over 270 FREE CLIFF NOTES online all the time 1036 4178 22 UPDATABASE.COM – United Paper Database (5,000+ papers) Why search 173 different sites, when ALL the papers are here? No popups, java applets, or loads of advertisements. Just what you need, high quality papers. We even have a DBQ section. Since 1998, we have provided our visitors with usefull information and saved hours of their time, in doing the job for them. But now as the site has expanded, we have developed a wide array of scripts to automate many time consuming tasks such as uploading papers, and updating the index. Don’t miss out! Check out the best FREE essay site out there! 903 693 23 EssayGlobe. The lagest and the most popular essay base. 199 1322 24 JunglePage If we can’t help you – no one can !! / Search our pre-written essays / CUSTOM Essays and Book Reports. 529 4299 25 Essay Trader * Search this ever growing database of fresh, not recycled, essays submitted by students. * 222 1759 26 Only live database of essays on the internet. Essays categorized GRADED by Students!!! 517 2134 27 GCSE World – FREE COURSEWORKS, ESSAYS, INVESTIGATIONS, GUIDES TO TOP MARKS, ALL HERE! FOR FREE! 358 3874 28 Global Essays One of the leading essay sites on the net, all essays are free and simple to find. Click here 469 3394 29 Paper Due Custom Term Paper Writing ($14.00 pp) and Term Paper Databases 74 2 42 30 The Writer’s Coach Fast custom writing! Your paper will be the ONE ONLY. Former university professor (Ph.D, London) will turn your TERM PAPER, THESIS and WRITING problems around in 24 hours. Areas covered: Term paper assistance, research guidance, editing, and Letters of Application. 183 122 31 Ryan’s Free Essays and Termpapers
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Typography and Formal Recommendation Report free essay sample
Given information on a technology or business-related issue presented in a case study, evaluate and integrate outside research to create a well-organized and documented formal analytical report or proposal using at least six sources, including books, articles, interviews with subject matter experts, and websites or databases, and prepare a set of presentation slides to accompany the proposal. -8- to 10-page Formal Recommendation Report Topic: Directions: You may choose any of the topics below for your Course Project 1 The company that you work for does not have a website and is not taking advantage of the many Internet marketing opportunities that are available today (the use of social media sites for companies, pay-per-click advertising on search engines, article marketing, etc. ). You decide to do some research about the importance of using the Internet to maximize your company’s exposure and marketing plan, and then write a proposal to the CEO outlining the benefits and the specific strategies you recommend based on your research. We will write a custom essay sample on Typography and Formal Recommendation Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2 Write a proposal to your CEO proposing that your company implements a â€Å"going green†program. This proposal should include the benefits for the environment in general and the company itself in terms of corporate image and citizenship. Provide a list of strategies and the costs that might be incurred or saved for each green concept you recommend implementing. Note that there are many green ideas now, from recycling bins to allowing employees to work from home. It’s up to you to decide which works for the organization (imagined or real). 3 Your company is considering hiring a full-time technical writer. There is opposition from some management folks who feel that a technical writer is not needed†¦everyone can write, right? It’s your job to research and write a proposal outlining the benefits of hiring a professional to write documents for your company, rather than leaving it up to â€Å"just anyone. †Beyond writing documentation, reports, and proposals, make sure to cover the tasks that many technical writers are capable of as well: website management, training programs, marketing and advertising, and so on. 4 Your company has recently expanded and the old accounting software in place is no longer capable of handling the tasks at hand. It’s your job to research the various accounting software programs currently on the market (at least two) and make a recommendation. Variation: Whatever type of software your company might need†¦just make it business-related. For example, software for graphic design, website development, content management, etc. 5 Employee turnover rates are high for many organizations, and you have noticed that the company you work for is no different. Research what other organizations are doing to hire and retain good employees in order to combat the high employee turnover rate. Use this research to make recommendations to the management of your organization. Audience: The audience for this report is an industry decision maker, such as your supervisor or CEO, or a public policymaker, such as a politician or bureaucrat, who could act upon your recommendations or proposal. You will identify this decision maker in the Course Project topic proposal . Research: Six academic and/or professional research sources are required. Your research must consist of a variety of electronic sources (websites, databases, media) and traditional sources (books, journals, magazines). All sources must be cited using the American Psychological Association (APA) documentation system. Final Report/Proposal Details As noted above, the final product will consist of an 8- to 10-page report or proposal on a technical or business topic from the approved list. The final document includes the following. Title page (one page) Cover letter (one page, one or two paragraphs, single spaced) Table of contents including list of illustrations (one page) Executive summary (one page, two or three paragraphs, single spaced) Body of report or proposal using the following required sections. Introduction Discussion sections Conclusions and Recommendations Six research sources provided on APA formatted References page (one page). All references included on the Reference page must be cited in-text. Technical Illustration or visual such as a chart, graph, or image that you have created or have located via academic research. This should be incorporate within the main body of the report and be mentioned in-text. Formatting Elements Single spacing (or 1. 15), double spacing between sections and/or paragraphs 12-point font size for main body of writing Arial, Calibri, Cambria, or Times New Roman font type Use of headings and subheadings when appropriate Paragraph length of approximately five to seven sentences Standard 1†margins Ragged right justification Multimedia PowerPoint Presentation Details You will present your report in a multimedia technical briefing †¦eight to 10 slides, including introduction slide with the report title and your name; two to three slides per each main point of report; a memorable conclusion slide; use of full sentence, meaningful headings, and short words or phrases within the body of the slides; a minimum of two meaningful visuals; use of a business-appropriate design template; and 5–7 minutes of narration.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
ap english synthesis essay on tv and politics essays
ap english synthesis essay on tv and politics essays The use of political campaigning through television has been around for quite a while. Broadcasting politics on television allows the elections to be more accessible to more viewers. Although politics through media was meant to be positive, the true purpose of it was quickly overcome by a concern about image rather than the issues at hand. Television has allowed presidential candidates to not only win votes through ideas and addressing issues, but also through creating an image for themselves that would appeal to the public. Initially, the use of media to relay news was a good idea: television has restored the nations feeling of direct contact, the people have once more become the nation (Source A). Television has allowed for thousands of people to be involved with current events. At first people were drawn to this idea of being able to follow the presidential elections on television; between the 1960's and the 1980's the number of homes watching the presidential debates drastically increased from 28.1 million to 45.8 million (Source D). This early promise America had seemed to be fulfilling (Source A) soon began to fall through the cracks. After the initial interest of the people began to die down, the media had trouble keeping the ratings up. No matter what approach they attempted, it was unsuccessful. Even those aiming low [back then were] failing, more often than not, to get good ratings (Source F). This lack of success was apparent in the plummeting presidential debate ratings due to Americas disinterest. The ratings dropped from 80.6 million viewers in 1980 to 65.1 million viewers in 1984. This drop in numbers continued through the most recent data of 1996 (Source D). Due to America's decreasing interest in televised politics, presidential candidates have begun to take on a new approach of creating an image that appeals to the public and ul...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Benjamin Bloom and Critical Thinking Skills
Benjamin Bloom and Critical Thinking Skills Benjamin Bloom was a U.S. psychiatrist who made several significant contributions to education, mastery learning, and talent development. Born in 1913 in Lansford, Pennsylvania, he exhibited a passion for reading and research from an early age. Bloom attended Pennsylvania State University and earned a bachelor’s degree and a masters degree, then he became a member of the University of Chicago’s Board of Examinations in 1940. He also served internationally as an educational adviser, working with Israel, India and several other nations. The Ford Foundation sent him to India in 1957 where he ran workshops on educational evaluation. Model of Critical Thinking Blooms taxonomy, in which he describes the major areas in the cognitive domain, is perhaps the most familiar of his work. This information is drawn from the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain (1956). The taxonomy begins by defining knowledge as remembering previously learned material. According to Bloom, knowledge represents the lowest level of learning outcomes in the cognitive domain. Knowledge is followed by comprehension, or the ability to grasp the meaning of material. This goes just beyond the knowledge level. Comprehension is the lowest level of understanding. Application is the next area in the hierarchy. It refers to the ability to use learned material in new and concrete principles and theories. Application requires a higher level of understanding than comprehension. Analysis is the next area of the taxonomy in which the learning outcomes require an understanding of both the content and the structural form of material. Next is synthesis, which refers to the ability to put parts together to form a new whole. Learning outcomes at this level stress creative behaviors with a major emphasis on the formulation of new patterns or structures. The last level of the taxonomy is evaluation, which concerns the ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose. The judgments are to be based on definite criteria. Learning outcomes in this area are the highest in the cognitive hierarchy because they incorporate or contain elements of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis. In addition, they contain conscious value judgments based on clearly defined criteria. Inventing encourages the four highest levels of learning- application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation- in addition to knowledge and comprehension. Blooms Publications Bloom’s contributions to education have been memorialized in a series of books over the years. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Bloom, Benjamin S. 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Longman. Bloom, Benjamin S. 1956. All Our Children Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill. Bloom, Benjamin S. 1980. Developing Talent in Young People. New York: Ballantine Books. Bloom, B. S., Sosniak, L.A. 1985. One of Bloom’s last studies was conducted in 1985. It concluded that recognition in a respected field requires 10 years of dedication and learning at a minimum, regardless of IQ, innate abilities or talents. Bloom died in 1999 at the age of 86.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
New Tourism Industry- Wine Tourism Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13
New Tourism Industry- Wine Tourism - Case Study Example It has been often referred to as India’s Napa Valley. On the outskirts of Nashik is situated the main vineyard of this region, the Sula winery, which has a 35-acre vineyard with a marvelous tasting center, wine bar and a holiday villa set within the estate’s wineries. A guided tour of the Sula winery is a must as it gives a fabulous opportunity to hear the explanation of the complete process of winemaking, from ‘grapes to bottles’ and taste some of Sula’s wines in the tasting room which overlooks the balcony and provides an expansive view of the vineyard (Ross, n.d). They are produced from grapes harvested from Nashik and Dindori estate wineries and also from local contract farmers operating under the expert guidance of the Sula team (The Vineyard, n.d). The varieties of grapes include Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Zinfandel and Merlot along with Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, and Riesling. They also have a portfolio of imported wines from Au stralia, South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina, and even the wines of the old land, France, and Italy. Besides wines, they also offer Japan’s best beer, Asahi (Sula wines, n.d). The Nashik climate is not only perfect for wine grapes, but was also on par with winegrowing regions in Spain, California, and Australia. The region has a pleasant climate with three different seasons: summers, monsoons, and winters; summers being generally hot with maximum temperatures ranging from 35 to 42 degree Celsius and winters, dry with temperatures hovering around 24-28 degrees Celsius. The best time to visit this region is the harvesting season from January to March when one can participate in wine stomping as well. The Sula wineries are the primary reasons to visit Nashik although there are many other vineyards in this region – Sankalp winery, N. D. winery, and the Vintage Winery estate.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Operative mechanics of Juveniles Courts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Operative mechanics of Juveniles Courts - Essay Example Juvenile courts developed out of the need to reduce recidivism rates among child offenders. In effect, it was a kind of diversion mechanism meant to steer youth offenders away from criminality towards good citizenry devoid of criminal intents (Fox, 1970). Prior to their creation, children and adults alike were subjected to the same kind of court procedures. As such, the guilty were liable for capital punishment or life incarceration irrespective of age brackets. Notably, punishment delivered was the same both for adults and children. But, child-offender processes fell short of protective elements such the right to bail, which were only granted to adults (Conward, 1998). Thus, the process that institutionalized juvenile justice structures were mainly geared towards harmonizing justice with full recognition that children bear lesser moral as well as cognitive capacities for offenses they commit. The current Juvenile court structures are mainly rehabilitative rather punitive towards its client offenders-the children.They are specially designed with clear, basic demarcations falling under criminality, parental neglect or being out of parental control. Contrary to the hearsay admissible in adult cases, juvenile court structures have no such restrictions. Their hearings have mostly closed a door and informal. Parents and officers dealing directly with child welfare, such as probation officers, have access to the court process to ensure fair and favorable results and to guard against future recidivism.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Aims and Objectives for a Selected Business Essay Example for Free
Aims and Objectives for a Selected Business Essay †¢Describe what is meant by SMART objectives. An objective that follows SMART is more likely to succeed because it is clear (specific) so you know exactly what needs to be achieved. You can tell when it has been achieved (measurable) because you have a way to measure completion. A SMART objective is likely to happen because it is an event that is achievable. Before setting a SMART objective relevant factors such as resources and time were taken into account to ensure that it is realistic. Finally the timescale element provides a deadline which helps people focus on the tasks required to achieve the objective. The timescale element stops people postponing task completion. †¢Choose a business and describe its aim and 3 SMART objectives for how they can achieve their aim. TESCO: oTesco want to be able to keep their carbon emissions down by making new buildings, they also want to make their business objects which have to follow this method Specific this means that the business can make some specific objectives that the business wants to achieve, so if they want to hit a certain target of profit within a year they have to make a business plan or model to follow to achieve their goal. oMeasurable this means that if a business wants to make some money, they can measure it in a certain amount of time, so if a business can make  £1000 pound in a month, then maybe next month they could forecast making an increase of that amount by studying the business activities throughout that month. Achievable this means that a goal that the business can achieve with in a time period, so if a business wants to make  £1000 pound of profit in a month, then they could make it happen with the products that they might have to sell. oRealistic this means that a business has to make realistic goals which that they can achieve, so things like making  £1,500 pounds in a week, this is a realistic goal because it could be made depending on the sales in the that week. oTime related this means that each objective is set with in certain time, so it is like a dead line, if a business sets out to make and sell 5 computers in two weeks, then they now have time to create the product and then sell it within the time set.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Federalists and Anti-Federalists Essay -- History Historical Politics
The Constitution, when first introduced, set the stage for much controversy in the United States. The two major parties in this battle were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists, such as James Madison, were in favor of ratifying the Constitution. On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists, such as Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee, were against ratification. Each party has their own beliefs on why or why not this document should or should not be passed. These beliefs are displayed in the following articles: Patrick Henry's "Virginia Should Reject the Constitution," Richard Henry Lee's "The Constitution Will Encourage Aristocracy," James Madison's "Federalist Paper No. 10," and "The Letters to Brutus." In these documents, many aspects of the Constitution, good and bad, are discussed. Although the Federalists and Anti-Federalists had very conflicting views, many common principals are discussed throughout their essays. The preservation of liberty and the effec ts of human nature are two aspects of these similarities. Although the similarities exist, they represent and support either the views of the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists. Patrick Henry makes his views very clear in his Letter. He is obviously against ratifying the Constitution. His main argument's consists of the sovereignty of the states, the system of checks and balances and the senate, the leaning towards a monarchy, and absolute power. Henry thinks that the uniting of all the states under one government would take away the sovereignty of the states. He states that, "Here is a resolution as radical as that which separated us from Great Britain. It is radical in this transition; our rights and privileges are endangered, and the sove... ...he other hand, Madison discusses the topic of liberty in that it is what fuels factions. He says that removing liberty is one of the only ways to destroy a faction. He proceeds to state that this is not probable, and that factions can not be destroyed, but we must control their consequences in order to have a stable government. Madison believes that the Constitution preserves man's liberty by fairly representing them in a central government. All of the topics discussed in these essays are very relevant to their respective causes. They are all backed up with valid information and examples. These essay's were written by very respectable men and show much insight on the subject of whether or not the Constitution should be ratified. The Federalists and Anti-Federalists had very opposing views, but used some of the same topics to support their point of views.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Current Environmental Laws In The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay
Based on my research about the current Philippine Environmental Laws, I found out that it has two parts ; foremost is the Presidential Decree no. 1586 or the Environmental Impact System which states that no undertakings shall be implemented without an Environmental Conformity Certificate ( ECC ) .In order for the authorities to happen out if they are to publish an Environmental Conformity Certificate, an appraisal should be done sing the proposed undertaking ‘s impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment is defined as a process in order to happen out and foretell the impact of proposed undertakings to the state ‘s environment and to work forces ‘s well being and wellness. This appraisal is of import in order for us to happen out the resource allotment for the said undertaking and find the costs associated with environmental preservation. Once the Environmental Impact System has been approved an Environmental Compliance Certificate may now be given to the individual in charge of the undertaking and he may now continue with the execution of his undertaking. The certification is really of import to hold because it contains the footings and conditions that the individual enforcing the undertaking should follow with. Failure to follow the conditions in the certification may ensue to its suspension or cancellation, the individual behind the undertaking may be subjected to a all right non transcending 50 thousand pesos ( 50,000Php ) . If the undertaking is cleared and is now being implemented or started with, monitoring is normally done to do certain that they are following with the conditions in the certification and to detect the undertaking ‘s environmental impact. The 2nd portion of the Philippine Environmental Law is the Presidential Decree no. 984 or The Pollution Control Law, this is besides known as the Pollution Control Decree of 1978 is a national policy that is aimed to forestall, avoid, and command pollution of H2O , air, and land for the more effectual use of the resources in the state. This jurisprudence besides contains the demands or necessary criterions needed to be followed in order to get a license to construct or enforce a certain undertaking that does non in any manner affect the environment negatively. It besides contains the commissariats if of all time there are punishments. Presidential Decree 984 focal points on ; first, the Clean Air Act of 1999 which is a policy and plan to keep the air quality in the state. This is to convey all the citizens to collaborate and exercise an attempt to clean the air we breathe, and whoever will go against this act will be subjected to pay. The act chiefly focuses on bar instead than control, chiefly because if we can forestall something bad from go oning so it will be less onerous in the close hereafter. Preventing farther harm to the stratospheric ozone bed is an illustration of this. This act sets criterions for beginnings of nomadic air pollut ion, those coming from vehicles like autos, trucks, new waves, coachs, jeepneys, trike, and bikes. Smoke tonss from industrial houses like hotels, power workss, and other constitutions are besides closely monitored. Aside from those mentioned, smoke, combustion of refuse, and dust from building are included. Second is the Clean Water Act of 2004, records say that every bit early as 1996 several trials were conducted and consequences showed that merely 51 % of rivers in our state are still useable, and the staying 49 % were already polluted due to domestic and industrial activities. That might non sound that much large of a trade until you realize that 31 % of all illnesss come from imbibing or contact with dirty/polluted Waterss, diseases like cholera, amebiasis, swamp fever etc. Republic Act No. 9275 or the Clean Water Act of 2004 purposes to protect the clean and staying organic structures of H2O we have left from pollution caused by discharges from human activities, mills in the industry, and other land based beginnings. It besides states that all proprietors of companies or anyone who discharges effluent are required to acquire a license from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources ( DENR ) or the Laguna Lake Development Authority, all companies or industries that discharge effluent and are in operation even with the said license will hold to pay a effluent charge in order to deter the companies from dispatching effluent and choose to put in cleaner production and pollution control engineerings, this will assist diminish the figure of pollutants generated and discharged. Third is the Solid Waste Management or Republic Act No. 9003, this act talks about a legal construction on how our state can hold a systematic and ecological solid waste direction system that will assist in keeping and protecting the environment and the people ‘s wellness. This act besides provides plans for minimising waste, and cognizing how to decently dispose of our r efuse, it advices the people to follow the three R ‘s of Solid Waste Management ; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Segregation is besides compulsory in the undermentioned countries ; families, establishments, industrial installations, commercial/business constitution, and agricultural countries. They besides prohibit unfastened combustion of solid wastes to avoid farther harm to the ambiance and pollution to the air. Last is the Act to Control Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes or Republic Act No. 6969, they have several policies listed, one is to â€Å" modulate, bound, and prohibit importing, fabrication, processing, sale, distribution, usage, and dispose of chemical substances †this is done so that we can avoid unreasonable hazard to the people ‘s wellness and of class to the environment, following is to forbid entry and most particularly disposal of risky wastes to the Philippines territorial bounds and in conclusion, to carry on research on toxic chemi cals and risky wastes. How are Hotel and Tourism Management pupils affected by the Environmental Laws? After reading a batch of things about the environmental Torahs in the Philippines I am now more aware of my milieus and the things that need to be done in order to hold a safe and clean topographic point to populate in. Having cognition about the jurisprudence is ever a good thing because we become more careful in our actions. Some people are merely non that knowing about certain environmental issues that ‘s why they tend to care less. Hotel and Tourism pupils are affected by these Torahs because we will be working in an industry that is really broad and huge, everyplace we go there is ever adjustment and nutrient, which means that we can get down by using what we ‘ve learned sing the environment to our workplace, non to advert that hotels and tourers are a immense portion of our state ‘s economic system, we can do a immense impact because our industry is good known and is all over the universe, it will be our occupation as cognizant pupils or future employees to as sist in using or implementing ways on how we can assist maintain the environment clean and at the same clip provide quality service to all our invitees. Our class besides deals with functioning and holding contact to people that avail our merchandises and services, we can assist these people contribute to the wellness of our milieus by puting an illustration for them and supplying service that non merely is exceeding but besides environment friendly. If we are lucky plenty to go directors or even proprietors of our ain hotels or travel bureaus someday, so we can put ends and policies in our ain constitutions that comply with the environmental Torahs, without compromising our chief end which is to function our invitees good. How can hotel and touristry concerns help better the current environmental state of affairs? We are presently confronting a batch of environmental issues in our state, from dirt erodings, flash floods, vanishing H2O beginnings, and air pollution to improper refuse disposal, illegal logging, and nutrient toxic condition caused by chemical wastes. These are merely some of the many jobs our state is confronting today, as pupils and future employees to the industry of Hospitality and Tourism we can assist in confronting the current environmental issues by implementing certain protocols and policies in our work topographic point. Installing H2O metres in every section ( if possible ) for illustration, is a good manner to supervise the constitution ‘s H2O ingestion, by making so we can find the monthly H2O ingestion and cost of our workplace, if we are cognizant of this we ‘ll cognize what section consumes excessively much H2O and necessary action will be taken instantly. Water salvaging devices like flow regulators, H2O flow detectors, and low flower lavatories are me rely some of the things we can set in our comfort suites and kitchens to do certain that blowing H2O is at a minimum, and if observed exhaustively, no wastage at all. Leaks because of hapless plumbing is besides a cause of H2O wastage in a batch of places and edifices, we must on a regular basis keep plumbing fixtures to do certain that no leaks will come up. Monthly review for trickles and leaks in the constitution should be done be it at hotels, resorts, or eating houses. With respects to the kitchen/ Food and Beverage Department, utilizing of dish washers should merely be done during the cheque out of the invitees and rinsing of little kitchenware should be done by manus with the usage of antibacterial soap, to assist conserve H2O. Electricity is one thing that our industry consumes a batch, we use this to power up large hotels and casinos, aid elegant eating houses operate, and maintain the sense of holding recreational topographic points like subject Parkss, nevertheless, despi te the benefits we get from utilizing electricity, merely a few of us recognize its importance. Electricity is acquired by change overing energy released from firing fossil fuels, as consumers continue to utilize immense sums of electricity every twenty-four hours ; it ‘s really likely that all the fossil fuels around the universe will shortly run out. Conserving energy in our places and concern constitutions can assist continue fossil fuels, for illustration, put ining electricity metres in every section to supervise monthly energy ingestion to avoid increasing electric measures will hold a immense impact given the fact that a batch of hotels, resorts, and eating houses use a batch of electricity. Using energy efficient contraptions and visible radiation bulbs in high ingestion countries, and turning them off when non in usage can besides be done to avoid high energy ingestion. For resorts and hotel room, they can utilize solar panels to heat H2O for the invitees, by making s o this can salvage up to 40 % of energy cost. Hotels, Resorts and Restaurants produce big sums of solid and liquid wastes these wastes end up dispersing in the environment due to hapless or unequal waste direction and handling, therefore it is a must to implement schemes and plans to minimise wastes and to use the three R ‘s ; cut down, reuse, and recycle. Segregating wastes is a really basic measure in waste direction ; this is helpful to the environment because if we are able to find the biodegradable 1s from the non biodegradable so we can find the best manner to safely dispose of the waste. If we are buying merchandises that we need to run our constitution, the first thing we should maintain in head is to take merchandises that are least polluting and most sustainable, by making so we can avoid the hazard of lending to the pollution in our state, and because it ‘s sustainable we can profit from it for a longer period of clip without holding to dispose the merchandise after several utilizations, therefore assisting minimise wastage in our constitution. In eating houses or other nutrient constitutions, alternatively of utilizing disposable containers like Styrofoam which non merely takes a long clip to break up but can besides hold negative effects to our wellness, they can utilize reclaimable lid containers that are really environment friendly and can be reused. Hotel ‘s purchase immense sums of detergents, bleach, and other chemicals used in the wash and lavatory country, if possible they should roll up the empty chemical containers and direct them back to the maker so that it can be used once more alternatively of stacking up bottles of detergents etc. and merely throwing them anyplace, or worse some people even burn them, aside from this they can merely replenish the bottles alternatively of purchasing new 1s. They can besides assist salvage the trees by commanding the use of paper in their offices and places, for illustration, if possi ble they can merely utilize electronic mail to direct paperss from one constitution to another, alternatively of publishing them out. For used or scrap paper, recycling the back side can besides assist in cut downing the usage of clean, fresh paper. We should besides avoid the usage of aerosol sprays like some air fresheners that damage our ozone bed, taking sprays that do non utilize propellent gas is our best stake. Another really of import thing that hotel, resort, and eating house builders can make is to halt seting up their constitutions in topographic points with natural wildlife and in topographic points where cutting down 100s of trees is necessary merely so they can gain net income. 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Saturday, November 9, 2019
Health & Hygiene
Change in health & hygiene There has been towering change in the area of health and hygiene in rural Bangladesh. Almost all the villages have a health complex and a pharmacy nearby. People are coming out of the ignorance and consulting the doctors when necessary unlike earlier times. Health consciousness has modulated the rate of mortality especially in case of women and children. People at village are now more aware of the healthy ways of living their lives. Health campaigns by government and NGOs assisted a lot in framing up the health awareness.People at village are more concerned about taking care of the pregnant mothers and their health. Most of the families now know about the vaccination of the infants and almost all of them give effort to ensure the good health of the infants. Taking â€Å"Polio â€Å"vaccine has already been a common trend there in every year. All these resulted in a noticeable decline in mortality rate of infants and pregnant mother. Not only that, importa nce of having pure drinking water has also been realized by rural people. The campaign against arsenic in last decade has been totally worthwhile. Proper sanitation is also encouraged now.A massive change has taken place in terms of outlook. Family planning is no longer discouraged in village since villagers are moving away from orthodox religious practices that might harm. In terms of health and hygiene almost all of the changes have been in public interest till now but there are rooms for further development. Villagers do still lack good doctors and nurses. Points for presentation * Establishment of hospitals and pharmacies in rural areas * Public health awareness * More caring attitude towards pregnant mothers & infants * Awareness about family planning * Need for more skilled doctors & nurses
Thursday, November 7, 2019
3 Super Easy Steps to Make Your Resume Powerful
3 Super Easy Steps to Make Your Resume Powerful A resume isn’t just a list of everything you’ve done. It’s your first shot at convincing a company that you’re the perfect fit. Part of that is making clear that your particular skills and experience match precisely with their needs. They’re looking for specialists- you need to show them you have the skills. Resume trends change over time and recruiters tend to look for specific things. Here are three ways to make sure your resume isn’t too general to get you the job. In addition, here are some of the best resume tips in 2016 that can help you land your next job interview.1. Do your researchDon’t just blitz the thing to every company that’s hiring in your city. Find a company for whom you know you’d be a fit. Find one that’s the right size for you, in the right industry, and one that you are excited about. Make a short list of these dream companies and focus on them. What’s the culture at each one? Where would you fit in the best? Do you have a particular selling point that would dazzle one company more than the others based on their mission and scope?2. Be specificOnce you’ve figured out exactly what your ideal company or position is looking for, show them your track record! Tell them precisely how and why you are perfect for that specific job in your personal branding statement. You can incorporate this â€Å"look no further†kind of language into descriptions of each position you have held.3. Show, don’t tellConsider using an infographic or image of some kind to drive home your point. A chart or a graph can illustrate a particular success claim dramatically, if used correctly. This is a new trend in resumes, but can be very effective when done correctly.The bottom line is to make sure you know what the company wants, then make sure you show them just how perfectly you match their needs, item by item. It might require a bit of extra work in the resume-cr afting stage, but you’ll be glad you did it.4 Resume Tips To Prove You’re The Perfect Fit For The Position
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write an Internship Motivation Essay. 7 Steps
How to Write an Internship Motivation Essay. 7 Steps Internship Motivation Letter Guideline Motivation letter or essay aims to show that you want to work as an intern at school, university or a particular company. It is a great chance to show the potential employer why you are a good fit, giving insight into your personality and aspirations. Such a letter is more profound and thoughtful than a simple CV so it can render more details and information. A good quality motivation essay can distinguish you from other applicants and greatly improve your chances of getting the internship. Apart from a motivation application letter, you may also be asked to write an essay after finishing the internship. Such a letter must be a sort of a report, which reflects your experience, advantages of the company, internship’s impact on your personality and various aspects of life. Here are the most popular topics for personal internship statements: Explain how taking part in our internship meets your academic or career goals; What classes or programs you have taken, what experience you have to make you the best fit for the program; Give an example of situations, when your initiative helped to solve an issue. Almost every topic for an internship essay concentrates on the qualities and experience you have to become the best candidate for the chosen program. Tips for writing an internship essay Internship letters are not that different from other types of application essays. Your main goal is to explain what makes you a good candidate for the program and telling the potential employer about your achievements, academic results, and other important information. In this article, we have prepared a list of the most useful steps for achieving your goals. Step 1 The first sentence of your essay should grab the attention of the reader. Bear in mind that your introduction must intrigue the audience and make them willing to learn more about you. Remember that the potential employer has to read hundreds of essays, so yours must stand out from the first line. For example, start with an example of why you are the best candidate, backing it with numbers or achievements. Step 2 Finish your introductory section with a powerful thesis statement. It is very important because your thesis gives direction to the rest of the letter. It should concentrate on the internship you are willing to have. For example, you want to apply for a medical internship. In such a case your thesis should be as follows: ‘Because of my previous volunteering experience working with injured people and a strong desire to help those in need, I have developed a strong interest in your program. It will help me to improve my compassion and focus-on-details even more.’ Step 3 Don’t focus only on the internship advantages. Try to write at least several sentences about how you can contribute to the company or the university. Tell them what personal treats and experience will improve the place of your internship. Step 4 One of the most common mistakes applicants make is mentioning the same skills, which they have provided in a CV. Of course, it is highly recommended to discuss your strong sides in the essay, but you need to provide new details instead of simply repeating those, which were stated in your CV. Step 5 Not depending on the internship type, its schedule and payment, you must persuade the board that you will treat it with all seriousness, performing all the tasks in the best way. It is crucial to show that you will approach the internship like a real job and persuade the employer that it’s an excellent opportunity to achieve your academic goals and start a career. Step 6 Try to avoid common phrases and clichà ©s. Instead of paraphrasing sentences, you have found on motivation letter examples, try to mention your skills and achievements, which would make you a great intern. Step 7 Pay careful attention to the employer’s guidelines. Most of them provide potential candidates with strict instructions. They may concern formatting of the page, including spacing, word count and margins. It is important to compose your letter according to those demands. If the quantity of words is not stated, then try not to exceed 500 words. It is more than enough to tell about yourself and not to bore the reader.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
PSYCHOLOGY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
PSYCHOLOGY - Research Paper Example In order to execute such paradigms, numerous psychological theories have been devised to classify humans under diverse patterns and syndromes. An understanding of the psychology enables one to eradicate various therapeutic problems. Thus, psychology is not confined to any core study but it encompasses a complete understanding about the nature and the conditions under which a person was nurtured. In the article "The effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy and cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of personality disorders: A meta-analysis", the authors have conducted a meta-analysis to highlight the impact of psychodynamic therapy, as well as cognitive behavior therapy to treat personality disorders. Although the article does not include heredity and environment, the authors have used psychoanalytical perspectives and rely on the scientific findings, but fail to explain several important issues which are discussed here. However, any activity that affects the performance or behavio r of an individual is designated as behavior or mental process. The article does not specify the aspects of mental processes which are associated with different cognitive operations essential in learning process and in procuring knowledge, reasoning, memory, learning skills, perception, outlook, concentration, skill to be alert and attentive, language skills, communication, thoughts, aptitude, emotions, decision making and problem solving skills ("What is cognitive psychology?"). Although the article addresses the psychologists and explains the intricacies associated with the understanding of mental and behavior processes, it fails in being considerate towards brain functioning, communication, interpersonal predispositions, motivation and social behavior together with the physiological and neurological predilections. The article does not consider developmental aspects which play an imperative role in the process of nurture and formation of nature/temperament ("A rational model of th e effects of distributional information on feature learning"). One of the key features in psychology is cognitive studies, an assessment of mental processes. The psychologist must understand the attitude as well as propensity of the patient to deal with the personality disorders. The article lacks in emphasizing upon the cognitive understanding and, hence, the mental process, alteration of which is responsible for personality disorders. Evidently, as an individual matures, perception and understanding about the circumstances and situations also expands. Some may have the intellect to understand others, learn about their nature and circumstances, and react to the event in more pleasing manner, while others tend to be short tempered and reactionary towards a situation and display rage and anguish. These psychological aspects are not well defined in the article to implement the cognitive behavior therapy for personality disorder ("What is Cognitive Psychology?"). In the present scenari o where the competition is hard-hitting and individuals are chip in a career race, an approach is desired where judgmental move toward attitude could be worked well. One has to be critical in displaying cognitive behavior, enhanced memory power, quick as well as appropriate decision making temperament, and organization of educational program to boost learning power in order to prove their worth. A
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Responsibility of the Auditor for Fraud and Error Lab Report
The Responsibility of the Auditor for Fraud and Error - Lab Report Example This paper discusses the auditor’s responsibility for fraud and error. It studies the link between the objectives of external audit to this responsibility. It draws on relevant auditing standards that provide guidance on the responsibility of the auditor for fraud and error in the financial statements. It also discusses the responsibilities of the business entities’ board of directors and management. Lastly, it provides some discussions on the higher – profiled fraud cases in the past and the effect on the auditing profession of these high – profiled cases. The Glossary to the International Standards on Auditing or ISA (p. 19, IFAC, 2010) officially defines fraud as â€Å"an intentional act†, committed by a certain individual or certain individuals by using deception â€Å"to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage†that inevitably leads to the misstatement of the financial statements. Error, on the other hand, is defined as an â€Å"unintentional misstatement in financial statements†which may include omitting a certain amount or a certain disclosure (p. 18, IFAC, 2010). Both fraud and error may lead to financial statements misstatements. Both of them may lead to restatements misstated financial statements. However, what sets the two apart is whether the financial statements misstatement is deliberate or not, with fraud considered more serious (and illegal) than error. Financial statements fraud is done due to a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons may include trying to obtain new credit or more investments; â€Å"creating favorable stock value†; trying to conceal an inability to improve the performance of the company; increasing management or the board compensation by showing higher earnings; â€Å"obtaining a promotion†¦within the company†and â€Å"hiding improper business transactions†(p. 58, Rezaee and Riley, 2010).Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managing the Digital Firm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Managing the Digital Firm - Essay Example Due to nturl increse of the orgniztionl size, the need of utomted systems ppered for the effective nd timely mngement of people nd resources. The Informtion System (IS) is wht the compnies now use to rech the objectives of effective processes through mnging the systems, people, dt records nd ctivities tht process the dt nd informtion (Robson 2005). Technologicl dvnces in the form of IS hve chnged the vilbility of informtion nd the nture of communiction within contemporry orgniztions. Compred to more trditionl mens, electronic communiction nd informtion technologies cn crry more informtion fster, t lower cost, nd to more people while lso offering incresed dt communlity, processing, nd powerful recombinnt cpbilities (Fulk, Boyd, 1991). dvnced communiction nd informtion technologies extend the number nd vriety of people involved in orgniztionl decisions, diminish temporl nd physicl interction constrints, nd increse horizontl nd verticl communiction. Moreover, the use of dvnced communiction nd informtion technologies in orgniztions is widespred nd commonplce. Decresing technology costs nd, often, criticl mss of users hve fcilitted substntil use of electronic mil (lbrecht, 1984), corporte Intrnets, Web pges, videoconferencing, nd group support systems. In light of reserch indicting tht individuls often perceive tht informtion is difficult to ccess during periods of orgniztionl sociliztion, the benefits of communiction technologies reltive to informtion dissemintion hve importnt implictions for sociliztion. Effective informtion mngement n importnt prt of effective informtion mngement requires the good development of retrievl systems within the compny's informtion technologies. The necessrily of well-set system of retrievl function is cused by the importnce of designing one computer system tht would gther ll informtion nd the reserch process would significntly ese the process of finding the required informtion. Idelly, the system should be ble to serch huge dtbses of text rpidly, nd be ble to differentite between documents tht seem more relevnt to the user's problem nd those tht seem less so. It should hve some informtion or "knowledge" bout the problem being reserched, bout the domin generlly, nd bout the context of the serch -- for exmple, wht the user hs previously considered relevnt, wht hs lredy been found, nd so on. Finlly, it should be designed in such wy tht it fcilittes the originl reserch tsk.Ech of these three gols is mjor reserch problem in its own right, drwing on the techniques nd tools of three differ ent subfields of computer science nd cognitive science: informtion retrievl (IR), rtificil intelligence (I), nd humn-computer interction (HCI). In frmes of my pper ssignment tht implies writing bout effective informtion systems I will explore the nture of IR which ims to find documents relevnt to user's serch request, documents tht re sid to stisfy the user's "informtion need." In order to rech the min purpose of IR it is required to perform some
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender and Age Difference in Profile Pictures Analysis
Gender and Age Difference in Profile Pictures Analysis Michael Ngo Abstract Does Gender affect the number of profile pictures posted on Facebook? Does age affect a number of subjects in a profile picture? This study seeks to find the potential motivation and personality traits associated with an online behavioral action. The hypotheses focus on age and gender, two factors that could explain some differences or similarities in behavior. A non-experimental content analysis was used as the design with a sample size of 50 participants (25 female and 25 males). The age group was divided into two constructs: young (11-20 years old) and old (21-30 years old). The statistical test found no significance in gender affecting the number of profile pictures and age affecting the subjects in profile pictures. Further investigation and limitations will be discussed later. Gender and Age Difference in Profile Pictures Content Analysis Media, a term encompassing broadcasting medium such as newspaper, TV, radio, and internet use, is constantly being scrutinized for its content and its effect on users cognitive, emotional, and social behaviors. From the recent shootings of unarmed individuals to Trumps attempt at changing the health policies to local school charity successes, each media source provides an outlet for students to react and change their perspectives. Moreover, media use by students could potentially provide researchers important data on their social, emotional, and cognitive states. Social networking has grown and is continuing growing throughout the past decade. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and Tumblr are some of the most popular social networking sites currently (Pempek, Yermolayeva, Calvert, 2009). Students use social networks to express themselves through the use of pictures, status updates, posts, and chats. These online expressions could also affect the original posters viewers and the users themselves similar to the larger scale news outlet. Facebook, one of the most widely used network, can provide a great source of information, especially about school-aged students. Through Facebook, users can share their thoughts through posts and comments, share links and other media to groups, and upload pictures of themselves or their friends. The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential motivations, psychological factors, and personality traits behind Facebook users profile pictures. It is important to note that to measure a persons motivation and personality, a researcher must compile a series of test, surveys, and physical interactions among other factors. The point of this research is to examine photo related factors and literature reviews to derive potential reasons for the users action. This current study presents the results of a content analysis addressing the following research question: do gender and age affect the number of profile pictures and the number of subjects in a profile picture? In the study, there are two hypotheses: Female users will have a higher number of profile pictures than male users in their albums and younger people (age 11-20) will have higher numbers of subjects in their profile pictures than older people (ages 21-30). Literature Review Over the past six years, there has been an increase in the number of peer-reviewed articles on social networking sites. Many of these studies explore how psychological factors such as personality traits influence the use of social networking sites. Personality traits include neuroticism, extraversion, low self-esteem, and narcissism when using Facebook (Skues, Williams, Wise, 2012). Some studies claim that participants who were members of more groups on Facebook had reported higher levels of extraversion than those with lower levels of extraversion (Skues et al., 2012). Extraverted people use Facebook to maintain relationships with their peers and engage in social activities offline and online. This would explain the smaller social group membership among introverts and the larger group membership for extraverts. Extraversion could explain why some people upload more profile pictures than others. With a larger friend group, an individual is more inclined to update their photos so that their friends can see what is happening in the users life. Students use Facebook to stay in touch with friends and to let others know more about themselves (Pempek et al., 2011). Users may upload pictures of themselves with multiple subjects to showcase their network and friendship. Subjects may include ones group of friends with studies showing that both the quantity and nature of photos displayed perception of closeness by viewers (Mendelson Papacharissi, 2010). The motivation behind why users would do this could be to seek peer feedback and validation from friends. An introverted individual may not find the necessity to frequently update their profile pictures for their friends. Neuroticism is another trait that has been found to affect how individuals use Facebook. Though there are conflicting findings. For example, a study has found that individuals with higher neuroticism levels were less willing to share any personal information, but preferred posting on the wall compared to uploading photos (Skues et al., 2012). Another study found that high neurotic individuals were more likely to not show their face in pictures than low neurotic individuals (Liu, Moghaddam, Preotiuc-Pietro, Samani, Ungar, 2016). Both individuals with varying neuroticism levels were inclined to share personal information when compared to a middle cohort. With contrasting data, it is difficult to use neuroticism as a factor for explaining the differences in profile pictures by gender (Liu et al., 2016). Self-esteem may be another trait that would serve to explain some individuals motivation for their profile pictures. However, there are mixed finding relating to the relationship between self-esteem and using Facebook. A study suggests that users with low self-esteem spent more time on Facebook and that Facebook may provide a medium to compensate for their low self-esteem (Thompson Lougheed, 2012). Other studies show that Facebook has a positive impact on self-esteem as users are allowed to post what they want the public to see. Oftentimes, users would post positive characteristics and edited photos of themselves to boost their self-esteem. Lastly, other studies found that there is no important association between Facebook and self-esteem (Skues et al., 2012). In Facebook, where disclosing information about oneself and interacting with others is the purpose, researchers found it necessary to examine narcissism and how it can play a role in a users profile. One study has shown that higher levels of narcissism predicted more user information and photos posted and more social interaction (Skues et al., 2012). Narcissistic individuals are more likely to check Facebook more frequently and spend more time on the site (Thompson Lougheed, 2012). There is a potential correlation between individuals with high narcissism and the number of profile pictures. The higher the number of profile pictures may relate to the individuals affection towards themselves. However, even with the increase in studies, there are still missing gaps in the literature relating to the personality and motivation analysis from profile pictures especially in the different age and gender groups. The studies mentioned above examines the effect of one or two psychological variables on Facebook use and not the concurrent effects of various variables. There is only a few select study that addresses this gap. One study claims from surveys taken by their participants that Facebook users are more extroverted and have higher levels of narcissism compared to non-Facebook users. However, a close review of this study shows that the correlation is weak and needs more research examining the psychological factors simultaneously. Since investigating the motivation and potential personality traits for gender and age differences in profile picture is a fairly new area of research, this paper serves to add to the ongoing studies and provide further analysis. This study will address the magnitude and existence of behavioral gender and age differences. Facebook was chosen as the main social networking site because Facebook users are diverse, culturally and socially, and their behavior is more natural than other traditional samples. (Tifferet Vilnai-Yavetz, 2014). Two hypotheses were studied through profile pictures analysis for different gender and age groups. H1 Female users will have a higher number of profile pictures than male users in their albums. H2 Younger people (aged 11-20) will have a higher number of subjects in their profile pictures than older people (aged 21-30). Method Research Design and Procedures A non-experimental analysis was chosen for this study. The profile picture data was collected from my list of an active Facebook friend by utilizing a random number generator online. Each random number represented a friend on my list. For example, the number four would correspond to the 4th friend on my friends list. A sample of 50 friends was used with 25 from females and 25 from males. The criteria for the subjects to participate in this study is to be within the age of 11-30. If a prospective participant was chosen and did not fit the age group, I would proceed to the next available person. Measures Whether age and gender affected Facebook users profile pictures was the focus of this study. Gender differences (male or female) and the number of profile pictures were the predictor variable and criterion variable, respectively, of the first hypothesis. Age differences and number of subjects in profile pictures are the main focus of the second hypothesis. Two age groups were defined, young with people ages 11-20 and older with people ages 21-30, for the predictor variable. The criterion variable, number of subjects in the profile picture, is divided into four constructs: single (themselves), couple (subject and one person), group (3 or more), and others (no people) (Hum, Chamberlin, Hambright, Portwood, Schat, Bevan, 2011). Statistical Analysis I listed the scale of measurement for Gender as nominal (female or male) and Number of Profile Pictures as a ratio. Because this is a group difference question, I chose to conduct an independent t-test for Hypothesis H1. For Hypothesis H2, I listed Age (young and older) and Number of Subjects (4 categories) as nominal and chose to conduct a chi-square test. Results There was no significant difference between Gender and Profile Pictures (H1) and Age and Subjects in Profile Pictures (H2). Using Levenes test, there were no similar variance between gender and profile pictures (construct, F(xx)=xx, p= 0.295). The variability in the conditions is not significantly different. Hypothesis H1 was not statistically significant. The independent t test disproved the hypothesis and the results can be viewed in Table 1. The t-test shows that the male (M= 46.40, SD= 49.79) and female (M=39.28, SD= 36.45) did not influence the number of profile pictures a Facebook user would have, t (0.577), p> 0.05. Females do not have a higher number of profile pictures than males in this case. Thus, Hypothesis H1 was not supported. Hypothesis H2 was not statistically significant, and the results are shown in Table 2. The statistics X 2 (5)>= 2.285 and p= 0.808 (P>0.05) indicates that there was no association found between age groups and subjects in profile pictures. Hypothesis H2 was not supported. Discussion The research behind the use of social networking sites is still growing especially with teenagers and college students population. Previous studies show that personality traits can be inferred from the use of Facebook and profile pictures (Skues et al., 2012). However, there is little research on gender and age differences and potential effects on Facebook functions like profile pictures. The purpose of this study is to explore if gender affects the number of profile pictures and if age determines the likelihood of a number of subjects in a profile picture to support potential data on personality traits and motivations. Two hypotheses were presented and statistically tested. Profiles based on gender and age were chosen and profile pictures were analyzed. Statistical results showed no significance for both gender and number of profile pictures and age and subjects in profile pictures. This meant that both gender and age group have more similarities than differences. This could be due to a separate set of social norms for online users compared to offline users. In real life, gender roles and expected behavior has been established; however, in the virtual world, there are nuances and a completely different subculture that has not been studied yet. These subcultures may disregard gender and may focus more on social structures and practices that shape behavior (Hum et al., 2011). This data may suggest that men and women have the same motivation or similar traits that dictate their actions. Further study would be required to collect more data and complete a thorough analysis, though this is a good start. Limitations The lack of significance can be due to limitations of the study. The sample size of the study was only 50 profiles. If there were more samples, then the data may have changed to show a significance result. In addition, because of Facebook and IRB regulations, I would need to get informed consent from participants (Hum et al., 2011). The way to avoid obtaining consent would be to use my own Friend list, making this sample population not random or representative of the Facebook population. A solution would be to conduct the study with the consent of random Facebook users. Further Research This study is an observational non-experimental design. The data and results could be used to explain with some potential theories about personality traits and motivation, but it does not show correlation or relationship. In order to a relationship or correlation to be determined, an experimental design is required. This study does provide a foundation for future research. A quasi-experimental design is recommended. The dependent variable would be how frequent Facebook users update their profile picture and statuses and the independent variables would be personality trait test results on Narcissism and Self-Esteem. The purpose of this study would be to determine a more direct approach between the personality trait and Facebook usage. This would explain how psychological factors can influence people to act a certain way and add on to online social and behavioral data. The sample size would be larger (n=200) and more diverse (from different regions of the world). This would provide a m ore representative sample of the Facebook community. The independent personality trait tests would have different operational definitions each and the dependent variable would also have different constructs. The age of Facebook users may be confined to a range (18-30) to study a specific populations behavior. References Hum, N. J., Chamberlin, P. E., Hambright, B. L., Portwood, A. C., Schat, A. C., Bevan, J. L. (2011). A picture is worth a thousand words: A content analysis of Facebook profile photographs. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1828-1833. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.04.003 Tifferet, S., Vilnai-Yavetz, I. (2014). Gender differences in Facebook self-presentation: An international randomized study. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 388-399. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.03.016 Mendelson, A. L. and Papacharissi, Z. A. , 2010-06-22 Look at Us: Collective Narcissism in College Student Facebook Photo Galleries Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Suntec Singapore International Convention Exhibition Centre, Suntec City, Singapore Online . 2014-11-27 from Skues, J. L., Williams, B., Wise, L. (2012). The effects of personality traits, self-esteem, loneliness, and narcissism on Facebook use among university students. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(6), 2414-2419. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2012.07.012 Pempek, T. A., Yermolayeva, Y. A., Calvert, S. L. (2009). College students social networking experiences on Facebook. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology,30(3), 227-238. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2008.12.010 Liu, L., Moghaddam, M.E., Preotiuc-Pietro, D., Samani, Z.R., Ungar, L.H. (2016). Analyzing Personality through Social Media Profile Picture Choice. ICWSM. Thompson, S. H., Lougheed, E. (2012). Frazzled by Facebook? An Exploratory Study of Gender Differences in Social Network Communication among Undergraduate Men and Women [Abstract]. College Student Journal, 46(1), 88-98. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from Appendix A Table 1 Difference Profile Pictures between Females and Males Gender Male Female t df Profile Pictures 46.40 (49.79) 39.29 (36.45) 0.577 48 Note. P> 0.05.*=pà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ .05, **= pà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ .01,***=pà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ .001. Standard Deviations appear in parentheses below means. Appendix B Table 2 Crosstabulation of Facebook Users Age and Number of Subjects in Profile Pictures Age Subjects in Profile Pictures à †¡2 à †Single Couple Group Others Young 9 6 0 2 2.285 .808 Old 19 9 1 4 Note. P> .05.ÂÂ
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Reflection on My Writing Essay -- Personal Narrative Education Writi
A Reflection on My Writing The journey through language and literature has always been an intriguing one for me. It is for this reason that I chose English as my major. It seems that every teacher or professor that I have had, has always been able to pinpoint one specific element in my writing that I need to work on. This has not been a negative thing by any stretch, because with each passing semester there is an element of my literature that will be perfected for the next. This is the wonder that is English, and the reason for my passion in this subject area. In this class I have really learned to use a different level of thinking in my papers. Teachers often have complemented my ability to prove a point with the spoken word, but always offer advice when referencing my ability to compel by the written word. My first lesson in Literature was to bring myself down a level. I used to have an opinion, and write it, never citing or backing it up. My teachers taught me to incorporate others opinions into my own, explaining that until there is a credit to my name, no one is concerned about my opinion without someone credible backing it up. I took that knowledge and used it, learning to be an aggressive researcher, never resting until I have exhausted all sources. Then I entered introduction to literature 132, and this is where I had to learn to take that ability to the next level. There would be no more leaving quotes wandering, never introduced, or turning my paper into a commentary on someone else’s quotes. I learned to effectively use quotations and research, and still keep my Identity as a writer. This was a prodigious step, and one I will ever be purifying. â€Å"Write a Thesis driven paper,†this was by far... ...t express the wealth of knowledge that I feel that I have learned from this class. There seems to be so much more to learn, so many places we never had the chance to go; so much so, that I have opted to take your class again next semester. In the meantime, I will continue my passion for writing and literature in my life. I have been offered an editor position for the New Morning next year, and I am going to take that. I especially enjoy journalism; it is short and clever, full of rhetoric, and a pleasure for me to write. I will enjoy my time at school while no one else is there, and after swim practice, when no one else is around, I will most likely read a plethora of books. Maybe I will even get a jump start on American Literature. Until my next literature class, I will practice the concepts that I have learned every day, until they embody my very nature.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Freedom of Teenager Essay
On Sep 19, 2012, the polices captured Lindsay Lohan at Dream hotel in New York City. She hit a walker outside hotel even she drove in slow speed. Lindsay Lohan called Lilo is not only a star of US entertainment but also around the world. Watching her movies, the audiences had loved her when she was a little girl. She was successful in her career and took a lot of certified gold. In contrast, recently she is known with lots of scandals such as car accidents, an addicter, and a lesbian with a female collaborator – Sam Ronson. These scandals begin when she was 18 years old. As Lindsay, teenagers in US had actions similarly with her. A large part of teenager community like flowing the dissolute life, and its results are abortion, addiction, gangsters and murder. Due to a wrong education, many teenagers fall out of society. Too much freedom and money are cause to make the perverse life more disseminated in community. Not intervening children’s private life, Parents let them to decide everything by themselves when they are 18 years old. Why? Have their kids enough experiences to decide everything? Especially, the teenagers have sexual relationship as young as a sapling , and its results are considerable . Moreover, the way to educate teenager of some parents might be wrong. They don’t pay attention for kids. No worrying about kids, parents only focus on working and earn money. They are giving them too much money and teaching children how to use wastefully money as soon as they are a kid . Sometime parent doesn’t know whatever their babies are doing even the children aren’t at house in long time because their all the time to be sent for working. All these will cast a big effect in the society which results in immorality. Behiding all these causes bring damage considerably for the life of teenagers. Pregnant and abortion are evidence to easily show us about the dissolute of teenagers. Having sexual relationship early, pregnant at 16 ages they can’t avoid. According, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy said that 750,000 teen pregnant. What will happen for young mothers? Drop out the school and the future is a zero. As the result, their mind is declined and cannot focus on studying. A lot of student stops studying and star working to earn money. Day by day, more and more people don’t have knowledge, so what will happen in the world? Worse, becoming gangsters in society, students on the street associating with a gang of youths wasting their precious time, smoking and saying swear words. For example, A student shoot at Ohio school by T.J. lane who is a shooter, and one person died. The society will have more dangers to become where is dangerous for people. When the teenager can’t control themselves and they don’t care whatever people around them think or feel, they will kill or hurt someone. Many murders, violations and stealing usually happen. Every day, Violence of teenager is over 80% on all the US. In short, the consequences of over freedom of teenager are so serious. Both society and their-self will be destroyed soon. Being an owner of the world, teenager must be grown up in the best environment. Good education, a limit interest, and good parent are main factors to make good affections or bad on teenagers. The responsibility is not only belong government but also is parent. So let’s think about what the adult did which affects too much to teenager’s living style. I’m also a teenager and met lots of American family. I think parent pampered children too much, accept whatever kids want. It is not necessary to teenager who needs to be training in paragon of framework. Finally, freedom is a good thing, but everything always has two faces, well and bad, depend on your mind and your heart. â€Å"No fire, no smokeâ€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Depth Analysis on the protest Songs of Bob Dylan Essay
The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan is the second album released by Dylan in 1963. This album launched his career as a songwriter, and helped him gain notoriety within in the folk community. The album features many songs written by Dylan himself, as opposed to his first album that included many covers. The album covers a wide range of topics from Civil Rights, to Vietnam. Dylan becomes labeled as a topical songwriter after the release of Freewheelin’, discussing social and political issues through a surrealist’s point of view. The album contains several classic Dylan songs such as â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†, and â€Å"Masters of War†. Dylan’s style becomes very influential in this period, sparking new folk groups such as Peter, Paul & Mary and inspiring many songs from The Beatle’s Help! album. The success of Freewheelin,’ labeled Dylan as the â€Å"voice of a generation†, and as one of the greatest lyricists of all time. The first song presented on the album is â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†, one of Dylan’s most famous songs. The song poses a number of questions to the audience. Dylan breaks his stanzas into concise topics. For example the first stanza in â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†is directed more towards an antiwar ideology. Although the Vietnam war was not in full swing until a few years after the song was composed it was still used as the anthem of the antiwar movement which shows that Dylan is not only a timely writer but also a timeless one as well. Dylan begins the stanza with one of his most iconic lyrics, â€Å"how many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man?†Dylan’s simple yet meaningful diction questions the audience of their morality in preparation of the topics he is going to discuss in the following verses. Dylan then symbolizes the image of peace with a dove that must travel many seas â€Å"†¦before she sleeps in the sand†. In this line Dylan inquires nations about the irresistible urge for war among nations in the twentieth century. Dylan then says, â€Å"how many times must the cannon balls fly, before they are forever banned?†. This is clearly a reference to the war, and Dylan’s personal opposition towards it. Just after the assassination of John F. Kennedy and during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement, Dylan’s second album was released. Dylan clearly dedicates the second stanza of â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†to the Civil Rights Movement. Dylan begins the stanza with â€Å"how many years can a mountain exist, before it is washed to the sea?†. In this part Dylan uses the metaphor of the mountain crumbling into the sea, as an illustration of the idea that nothing lasts forever. The next line then states, â€Å"how many years can some people exist, before they are allowed to be free?†. Dylan challenges the ethics of civil rights and asks his audience whether or not freedom is truly attainable for all beings in the United States. The word choice in this line is significant as well, because it does not isolate one race or creed specifically, however it is left as an abstract thought so that the audience can fill it in, which is another reason why this song is everlasting. The following line speaks in regards to the blind ignorance that occurs in society, especially during the early sixties towards African Americans. Dylan is distraught with society ‘turning their backs’ against African Americans in the United States and treating them unfairly. In the liner notes of the album Dylan says, â€Å"†¦some of the biggest criminals are those that turn their heads away when they see wrong and they know it’s wrong†. The final stanza in the song ties all of the previous symbols together into a larger metaphysical theme. In the first line of the last stanza, Dylan’s tone is uncertain and questions the idea of a divine being. This sort of realist’s approach to the topics discussed earlier may indicate a general loss of faith during the sixties. Dylan then wraps up with the legendary line â€Å"how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?†. This last line was chosen carefully and leaves the audience with a blunt message, signifying the importance of understanding each other and working together towards peace. Throughout the entirety of the song Dylan tells the audience that the, â€Å"answer is blowing in the wind†. Although Dylan is not known for being optimistic in many of his songs, this iconic refrain carries a deeper meaning. Dylan imposes the idea that a new generation is forming with newer ideas and ideologies, and they are right in front of everyone’s face but they go unnoticed just like the ‘wind’. Another antiwar song featured on the Freewheelin’ album is called, â€Å"Masters of War†. In this song Dylan demonizes the leaders of the country and discusses anti-authoritarian ideals. In the first stanza of the song the narrator gathers all of the ‘masters’ who build the destructive weapons and blatantly calls them a coward. In the second stanza Dylan says, â€Å"you play with my world, like it’s your little toy†. This statement must have been rather threatening to a lot of people in the government at the time, because it shows that the youth understand what is going on and are not in favor of the actions that have been carried out by the leaders of the country. Dylan received inspiration to write this song from President Eisenhower’s farewell address in where he indicated that, â€Å"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex†. Dylan then cath artically wrote a song against this statement, and engraved the idea that the ‘military industrial complex’ is only big business for government leaders while young people have to die in the war for no benefit. The tone of the song is very straightforward and blunt. In the liner notes, Dylan himself was surprised by the lyrics in the song stating that, â€Å"I don’t sing songs which hope people will die, but I couldn’t help it in this one†. In the third stanza Dylan uses a biblical reference and calls the government officials Judas. Using Judas as a symbol in this song represents lying and deceit. The following line in that stanza is â€Å"a world war can be won, you want me to believe†. This relates to the symbolic image of Judas, in that Dylan is calling on the bureaucrats to tell the truth. Dylan uses another biblical allusion in the song in which he sings, â€Å"even Jesus would never forgive what you do†. Towards the end of the song he sings, â€Å"how much do I know, to talk out of turn†in which Dylan speaks on behalf of the youth of the nation. The last antiwar song on the album is called â€Å"A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall†. Near ly seven minutes in length, Dylan paints a post-apocalyptic image in the audience’s mind. Considered to be one of the most famous protest songs written by Dylan and the second most popular song on the album after â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†. The form of the song is inspired by a seventeenth century Scottish ballad entitled â€Å"Lord Randall†. The structure of the song does not entirely make sense of flow very continuously, and that is because in the liner notes of the album Dylan said,†every line in it is actually the start of a whole song. But when I wrote it, I thought I wouldn’t have enough time alive to write all those songs so I put all I could into this on†. Dylan uses strong words and powerful imagery to enrich the pathos experienced by his audience. An example of Dylan’s strong use of pathos is when he sings, â€Å"I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughing†. This song was written in response to the Cuban Missile Crisis, which happened the previous year. The ‘hard rain’ is often projected as nuclear war, however Dylan has said many times that he just meant that ‘something bad is going to happen one day’. Dylan’s strong lyrics have created the most influential protest songs of all time. It is hard to imagine that three of them appeared on one album! The Freewheelin’ has been considered one of the greatest albums of all time, and even made it into the top 100 category for the Rolling Stone: Top 500 Albums of All Time. Dylan uses many classic literary devices such as symbolism, allusions, and metaphors to captivate his audience and to create an art form out of his messages. All of Dylan’s songs are timeless; just how â€Å"Masters of War†is relevant during the Vietnam War it is just as timely for the Iraq War and Afghanistan War. Dylan has mastered the craft of songwriting and will forever be known as the voice of our generation.
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